A Fond Farewell

The 2025 Chinese Year of The Wood Snake is all about shedding ones skin in preparation for the next phase of life. It offers a transition period, a time that helps us to process and integrate what has come before, so that we are ready for whatever comes after. For me, it means that I will be fully retiring by the end of the year. December, 2025 will be the last month you can order a reading.

I do plan to continue writing (and may possibly offer a few classes); and I will send out an occasional email if I feel I have something to share. But for now I’m going to wish you all a fond farewell. To my clients near and far: THANK YOU for trusting me to be your messenger! It's been an honor and a privilege to serve one and all. I wish you well! To Gabriel: THANK YOU for a lifetime of guidance and patience (not to mention divine inspiration and unconditional love!). When all is said and done, don't forget that it was all just one big celestial dance! So, til we meet again in that big ballroom in the sky, remember to look up, and thank your lucky stars that you got to dance at all.

In my place, I leave you in extremely capable hands. For psychic readings I recommend Jennie Krasse and for astrology readings, Andrew D’Ambruoso. These are people I know and trust and I wholeheartedly recommend them without reservation. When I need a reading I call them! Need I say more? They are, quite simply, the best.

NOTE: Please email Jennie and Andrew directly for further information on their individual pricing, scheduling/availability and additional services.

JENNIE KRASSE jenniekrasse@yahoo.com

I come from a rich heritage of intuitive practices, deeply rooted in Gypsy Romani/Czech and Scottish ancestry. This lineage has instilled in me a deep connection to the spiritual realm. My natural intuitive gifts have also been honed through formal training with Lady Deane, specializing in her grandmother's card reading system (using a standard deck of playing cards). My approach is direct, authentic and grounded in truth.

ANDREW D’AMBRUOSO. ambrotosconsulting@gmail.com

I offer chart readings in a style that is practical, adaptable and empowers people to take an active role in shaping their lives. Equipped with years of study and mentorship with Lady Deane, I offer natal astrology, solar returns, progressed charts and more. I have a Virgo Sun/Libra Moon with Mercury on the ascendant, and converse easily with all levels of knowledge about astrology. My hobbies include an undying love of language and, most recently, I have begun a study of Sanskrit.

Summer Solstice 2022: A Magical Time for Cutting Loose, Having Fun and Making Dreams Come True

by Lady Deane

Have you been keeping your head down, avoiding the news and just waiting for a glimmer of hope lately? Me too! Between the eclipses, Mercury retrograde and a few other celestial shenanigans that have been going on, things got INTENSE out there for most of us over the past 3 months. But I am happy to report that most of the summer months should usher in some hopeful and uplifting energies.

Mercury's recent retrograde in Gemini was a real doozy, but it ends on June 3rd. And due to the fact that Mercury can take a little time to get back up to speed, the first week of June may still feel a teensy bit sluggish or confusing or stuck...like you're still not quite sure which direction is best. But beginning with the 2nd week things will pick up quickly; and overall June and July have some of the best energies for moving ahead and making your dreams come true for the whole year. Those of you who have been waiting on pins and needles for some news or a message...it arrives in June/July with bells on. Need the “go-ahead” to get to the next level on a personal project, hope or dream? Permission granted, doors open, and answers are now forthcoming. I'm not saying that ALL news will be good news, but Yea or Nay it will at least free you up to make new choices. And that's better than being stuck in limbo any day of the week.

Think of June and July as a brief but spectacular window in which to accomplish stuff. And not just any stuff but the stuff you really want! This is exciting stuff. And if you spent April or May patiently taking care of problems, troubleshooting, completing paperwork or any other boring, tedious requirements....well you people get bonus points now and can make even more fantastic progress towards your dreams.

Think of yourself as a Tiger and your goals as your prey. Yes, I'm referencing the Chinese New Year now, but whatever gets the point across (2022 is the Year of the Tiger). For much of the year the Tiger is in “stalking” mode...he plots, he plans, he tracks, but then mostly he WAITS. He waits for perfect timing. This summer represents that perfect time to strike. Get ready to go for whatever gives you the feel-goods. Then, when you do finally get to pounce, you're likely to bring home dinner. Hey, if you're a Tiger, that's a good day.

The Summer Solstice is cast for June 21st...the day the Sun transits into the sign of Cancer: mom, home, apple pie, yadda, yadda, yadda. Family, friends, security are all favored during this time. It also features a Pluto/Venus trine and a Moon/Jupiter conjunction. The Moon represents our emotional happiness and when it pairs up with Jupiter we feel good! It makes us determined to cut loose and have some fun (which, for many of us, is long over-due). This summer, the energy supports expressing our unique talents or abilities (or telling people how we really feel—speak your truth). It makes us want to just plain enjoy life. We will share emotion and good times, as well as our personal joys, freely with others now. It expands the desire to travel and see the sights—on both an inner and an outer landscape. And we grow spiritually.

Those of you vacationing this summer or just getting out and about again, good for you! But you'll need to either put the 9-to-5 on hold or just figure out a fun way to combine business with pleasure. Because while the energy is good for accomplishment and moving ahead on personal goals, it's also especially ripe for having fun/finding the joy! Leave the paperwork and drudgery at home. Saturn will be retrograding from June 4th clear thru to October 23rd, which tends to push work behind the scenes or just makes it take a back seat to some relaxation. Plan to take a breather. And you workaholics out there can just stop your whining right now. There's more to life than work. And anyway, a break from routine will do you good. You want to work yourself into an early grave? OK, it's your funeral as they say, but at least wait until later this year.

Because the fall and winter months may bring in a wrinkle or two. For instance, from October 22nd thru November 24th Jupiter will retrograde. Jupiter generally brings with it a positive, optimistic energy that promotes confidence, luck and prosperity. It usually expands creativity, travel, and a sense of spiritual growth. But when it retrogrades we need to be cautious with both overconfidence and overspending. Reigning in extravagance is what I recommend for the fall and winter months. Also, educational goals may get sidetracked, delayed or changed when Jupiter retros.

But that's a story for another day. Until then, it should be a relatively smooth ride for most of us. So, for right now, get out there and spend the summer having fun and making your dreams come true. Don't make me get on my broom and come visit you (because I will).

Dance on, people. While the night is young and the music still plays. : 0 )

Venus Retrograde Conjunct Pluto? It's Complicated

by Lady Deane

Why? Because Venus rules both relationships and finances and right now she's doing a rather strange dance in territory she's not exactly comfortable with. She's in Capricorn (Saturn's sign) and will be for rather a longer time than she's used to. She entered Capricorn around November 6th 2021 and will remain in Capricorn until March 6th 2022. Also she began her retrograde phase on Dec 19th. Add to this the fact that she will also be dancing with Pluto (like she didn't already have her hands full enough!), and it's a head-on, whose in charge now, tango. Power, control, addictions, sex (just for starters)...this has all the elements of a great murder mystery! Or at least a Lifetime Movie. Venus has spent all of December within orb of a conjunction to Pluto and will continue this difficult but fascinating tango thru the first week of January, 2022. Happy New Year.

AND...The Venus retrograde period (Dec 19th 2021 thru Jan 28th 2022) has sort of kicked off another temporary shut-down, as the pandemic reminds us it hasn't yet been defeated. But that's really just the surface stuff. Venus slowing down and conjuncting Pluto goes MUCH deeper than a pandemic. Relationships and finances are the primary areas of life (though not the only ones) in which you can expect some...a-hem... “complications” to occur. You will definitely be doing a deep dive into your relationships now and deciding what you will and won't put up with, what does and does not work for you, who is part of your future (who should be part of your past), etc. Put your whole heart into it, too. These are important revelations. Of course at the same time, let us not forget that others will also be evaluating you.

Think of it as having a chance to see how your behavior affects others. Then take heed of it. You know, try to do better. Conversely, if you've been the victim of someone who acts like other people are mere pawns in their game...well, perhaps now you'll have a chance to start your own show, as the STAR (because no one should be a bit-player in their own lives). Oh and DO try and stay out of cults now (of course the real trick with cults is to recognize when you're actually in one). Like I said. Complications.

Normally Venus physically represents comfort and joy. But Venus retrograde is notorious for making people aware of just how uncomfortable their lives have become. For some, this will quite literally mean creating more comfort in their homes. Don't sleep well? Perhaps that ancient bed (that feels more like bedrock) needs replacing now. Does your home have all the warmth of a prison cell? Perhaps new colors, artwork and some throw pillows will help increase the cozy feel and decrease the sad and hopeless vibe.

Financially, this is the time for savings...or at least deferred spending. If you've been saving up for awhile for something you really have needed, then YES, this is a favorable time to make that investment. But that is only true if you've done the research. So spending is OK in specific areas, especially if it involves 1) making your home more comfortable, 2) making life more bearable, or 3) starting over in a big way...such as finding a new career path, choosing a new lifestyle, etc. The whole Venus/Pluto dance is really about freeing you from whatever is holding you back...in love, in your career, in life. And all the retrograde process does to that is to encourage you to really get in touch with your own heart and to know at a very deep level what does and does not make you happy. It forces you INWARD instead of outward. So you can't blame others any more for your unhappiness. Because your choices belong to... guess who?

So what's the good news? Well, as I look ahead to April skies I see everything opening up again. Not all at once perhaps, but the clouds begin to clear and people start to find their way out (of the house, the dark, the basement) again. And for a few of you, those who have major hits to their natal charts from the Venus/Pluto conjunction, there is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to make SIGNIFICANT changes to your lifepath (new career, new home, new lifestyle...deep and permanent changes). For most, there is a light at the end of the tunnel, so please don't give up. I think our setbacks are truly temporary and that we can make 2022 a year of amazing progress. Yes, we'll have to do the work and the first few months of the new year may seem slow initially. But by April things pick up speed and for those ready to work for it, a new, better and happier life awaits.

For those of you who like me to “bottom-line” it, here are some Do's and Don't's which will be in effect basically from December, 2021 thru March of 2022:


DO whisper

DO remember to be polite (manners still count)

DO make a new budget/save/repay debts

DO refinance

DO repair your credit

DO revamp, reuse, re-purpose things

DO spend on things really needed, things that will improve your life in some important way

DO reconnect with family and friends

DO date, socialize, get to know people

DO release (addictions, things, jobs, people)

DO decide how you'd like to be treated

DO decide what you still value

DO reinvent your life and/or career path

DO forgive


DON'T shout, Don't push. No one is listening and others can push back!

DON'T be intrusive

DON'T invade other people's space (not everyone wants to share your music or your cell phone conversations)

DON'T start a cold war, it won't end well

DON'T overspend

DON'T overpay

DON'T buy things you don't need (or that won't fix the problem)

DON'T Marry! (although dating/socializing is OK)

DON'T cheat (you'll be found out)

DON'T ghost, Don't gaslight (again, people will see thru you)

DON'T be passive-aggressive (YOU know who you are—knock it off)

DON'T break the rules

DON'T create unnecessary relationship drama (or at least make it purposeful)

DON'T give up on one another!

Oh, and did I mention that February 1st begins the Chinese New Year of the Water Tiger??? Yup. Those who will do best in 2022 are those who can work fiercely, FEARLESSLY (and sometimes independently) towards their goals. Remember, any progress counts now. And it beats standing still.

One last “Don't”... DON'T GIVE UP!!!


by Lady Deane

Today (Monday, September 27th, 2021), as I write this, Mercury the planet that rules all things “communication” is just beginning its retrograde journey. This will last until about October 18th, when it will again resume direct motion. Coincidentally, Jupiter...the planet that rules all higher knowledge and broader vision, and who has also been retrograding quietly along for several months now...will be going direct on October 18th too. Meanwhile, Saturn...the planet that rules employment, real estate, and basically all adult responsibilities for that matter....has practically been comatose since May, and THAT planet will also go direct in October...on October 11th. Are you seeing the big picture yet? By mid to late October the sky will be waking up. AND SO SHOULD YOU.

 Which is why I’m writing to you. Sit up straight now. We have things to discuss. Because it’s as if for a brief period of time the planets got together, held a meeting, and decided: “OK down there, let’s get going. Move Forward NOW.” And that brief period of time (for those in the back, not paying a whit of attention) runs basically from Oct 19th or so til about December 18th. The sky during this time is what I’m going to call Celestial Clear Sailing. It does not mean you won’t encounter turbulence, but it does mean you need to get your boat in the water if you hope to go anywhere. And of course please note that along with everything else in life the usual disclaimer applies: “Your Mileage May Vary.”

This action timetable is due in part to the planets moving forward, combined with the final eclipse season of the year (one in November, one in December). A small refresher course on the effect of eclipses: they act like little cleaning dynamos. They vacuum out whatever houses they hit in the natal chart. And their overall effect is to get you super organized. Don’t like to tidy up? Hate getting your ducks in a row? Well, you’re not gonna love eclipse season then. It’s like your mom on steroids. CLEAN UP THOSE DUST BUNNIES BEFORE SHE VISITS BECAUSE SHE WILL FIND THEM! But for those of you who have actually realized that you need to get out of your own damn way once in a while, get ready to make some real progress in life. Eclipses get stuck energy moving again like nobody’s business. They can blast thru sheet rock and move mountains (along with the feeblest of excuses); and they can push obstacles off your path so you can finally gain some traction and move forward.

These are the Eclipses dates to watch for the rest of 2021:

Nov 19th Full Moon Lunar Eclipse @ 27 degrees Taurus/Scorpio

Taurus/Scorpio both rule over resources (financial and otherwise), feeding the senses, sexual drives, intimacy needs, and the life/death cycle. If your natal chart has planets at late degrees of either Taurus or Scorpio you are much more likely to feel this eclipse more strongly. Look for ways to put your financial ducks in a row, organize financial goals or set new goals for the future, buying/selling/refurbishing real estate, and organizing how you make your living.

Dec 4th New Moon Total Solar Eclipse @ 12 degrees Sagittarius

Sagittarius rules over travel, higher education, and higher truth. Sag is a fire sign that likes to charge full speed ahead towards its goal--think race horse. But ask yourself two questions first: 1) Are you fit enough to run that race? and 2) Is that the RIGHT race for you? In other words, DO YOU REALLY WANT TO WIN? If yes to both, then go for it! Your higher self is calling you to action now and the forward momentum you can generate will be awe-inspiring. You are reaching for your own personal best now, so just GO. Then, whatever the outcome, you’ll know that you were in it to win it.

OK, so let me summarize and “Bottom Line It” for you impatient types.

SEP 27th thru OCT 18th Retrograde Energies, Slow Down, Double Check Things. Don’t launch brand new projects now, wait til the end of October for that.

TO DO LIST (what works best)

  • research

  • trouble shoot, test solutions, make further progress on previous projects

  • tie up loose ends

  • finish up what’s already begun, make repairs

  • clear the clutter out, purge items (as well as your diet)

  • reconnect with people from the past

  • re-establish relationship boundaries/rules

OCT 19th thru DEC 18th Direct Motion Energies plus Eclipse Energies, Move Ahead with Plans, Launch Projects, Act, Get Stuff Done!

TO DO LIST (what works best)

  • launch new projects

  • make decisions or agreements

  • sign contracts

  • move/relocate

  • initiate, try new things, ACT, DO, MOVE

  • set goals and move ahead with them

  • make future plans

On Dec 19th, Venus will actually begin her retrograde journey, making us slow down and actually get to know people the old fashioned way. By spending time with them face to face! But that’s for another article. For now, if you act between mid-Oct and mid-Dec you should have a nice open window...at least celestially speaking. So get out there and make your dreams come true. Fall should be brief but spectacular. And, for some of us, dare I say memorable. Run your best race. Then look up and thank your lucky stars!

Til next time....

: 0 )


Strange Skies, Stranger Times

By Lady Deane

I think weird thoughts these days. Perhaps the result of being more isolated than usual. Or perhaps just the result of being eccentric.

For instance, I worry that small companies who only make lipstick will go out of business. I never thought too much before the pandemic about how important lips are. But I do now. With everyone wearing masks (which they absolutely should do), it’s hard to tell how people are feeling. And it can make us fearful and wary when we can’t see facial expressions while we talk. So, many people just avoid each another. I notice that people often look away or look down now when they pass one another.

So, I’ve changed my behavior in response. I make a point now of looking people straight in the eye when I pass them. I make my eyes smile. I want to say to each and every one of them YOU ARE A FELLOW HUMAN BEING AND I SEE YOU!  I want us to connect with the divinity in each of us. To see the God and Goddess who within us dwells. Because if we don’t, we will become even more separate and isolated. And we are not alone. Ever. Every one of us walks with Angels and Ancestors, Guides and Guardians. So, if there’s one positive thing we can all do during a pandemic, it’s to create “silent communion” with one another.

You know our thoughts and expressions are not the only odd things now. The Cosmic Dance this year is downright strange. The energies are not flowing in the easiest of ways. And the Spring and Summer of 2020 has seemed truly unusual. Even to someone like me, who has been watching the sky for many years.

A lot of the planets have been (and still are) retrograde at the same time up there. This makes for a Retrograde Dance, which is slow and careful. And which has us retracing our steps. And this slowdown can occur when just one planet retrogrades. But when many join in that dance at the same time, much of life as we know it    s  l  o  w  s    way down. People in tune with this energy will correspondingly downshift, changing their own rhythm in time with the celestial band. But people out of sync will continue to push forward, tripping over their own feet and stepping on everyone else’s toes in the process.

As I write this (August, 2020), Jupiter—the planet that rules education as well as students and young people—is retrograde. Jupiter will go direct in mid-September, but it will take some time to get back up to speed. And Mars—our momentum and forward motion planet—will be retrograding from Sept 9th  through Nov 13th! And Mars will be taking more time than usual to move through the sign of Aries. So, to translate: just as our “get up and go” is on hold, the country is trying to restart things and move us into “business as usual” mode. But this is exactly the opposite of where the planetary energies are directing us. Mars is our energy and drive, it’s what we use to initiate projects and get things moving forward again. It also represents our collective anger (righteous and otherwise).  The last thing you want to do when Mars retrogrades is to run blindly forward. No. You slow your roll. You take a step back. You think before you act. You don’t push the kids onto crowded buses or into crowded classrooms.

So, absolutely none of this is screaming “Hey! I know! Let’s send all the children back to school!” to me.

And yet, I know that that’s exactly what may happen. Many schools across the country will reopen. I get it. Sometimes, cooler heads do not prevail, and science is ignored (to say nothing of astrology). Shit happens and we just have to deal. So, although I personally would be happier if schools didn’t reopen again until next year, when the Cosmic Dance improves a bit, I realize that things in the US will probably continue to push awkwardly forward. Unfortunately, over the past few years we have repeatedly shown ourselves to be out of step with the rest of the world. But I do still have faith that parents and teachers everywhere will be sensible enough to do whatever it takes to keep kids safe. And I know that they’ll take as many precautions on their own as they are able.

Of course, it’s not all bad news. Retrograde periods are the perfect time for coming up with outside-the-box solutions to the problems we are facing. For instance, physically going to school is only one way to learn. Online learning has seen growth and development this year, but what about putting education on TV? Local TV or radio stations could run classes for the different age groups that would be free and available to all. You wouldn’t have to provide computer equipment. All the kids would need is access to a TV. Of course there is a chance this already exists. I am old and apparently not up to date on anything (just ask a teenager). Anyway, you get my point. I’m sure there are many, many innovative ways that education can be re-imagined without risking the health of our kids and teachers.

Other things we may process when Mars retrogrades is our aggression, as well as our passion and drive. Mars rules the military, fighting, competition and athletics, as well as sporting events. So, here again, most sports teams would do well to wait out the season.

Mars Retrograde may also affect communications (I know, that’s usually Mercury retrograde territory, but hear me out). Normally, Mars is the planet with a megaphone, it likes to shout, and it loves the sound of its own voice. But real communication takes more than one person’s voice or one group’s opinion. So talk less, listen more now. Mars also represents our ego. A healthy ego is a wonderful thing, we all need an ego to survive. But as Mars retrogrades it becomes less about our individual needs and more about our collective needs. So the next few months would be an excellent time to recognize that we truly are all in this together. Also, it wouldn’t hurt to remind ourselves that when we help one another succeed in life, we all win.

Another part of the Cosmic Dance this fall is Saturn. Saturn will go direct at the very end of September. Which is good news for real estate, as it rules the ground beneath your feet. Saturn’s retrograde phase often puts real estate matters on hold, or has people dealing with delays of one kind and another (unless you bought a fixer-upper, where delays are expected as structures get rebuilt). And Saturn has been retrograding since May of 2020. So, people who want to buy or sell a home should finally see some progress now, as Saturn moves forward again. Some of you no doubt have already experienced some positive movement on that front. Saturn also rules business and large official structures like the government. So there too, we should see progress being made and money should be made available again for economic growth (or at least stability).

Another thing that works well despite many retrograding energies is research. The kind we need to do, for instance, to come up with a safe and workable vaccine for the virus. I think we’ll see much more progress with vaccines and improved treatment overall for COVID patients, for the rest of this year and well into 2021.

In my last article, I ended by saying that I knew a guy who delivered vodka. Of course, at the time, I was only kidding. Hopefully people know that I would never actually have vodka delivered (it’s much better when you pick it out yourself). But Instacart just announced that they would begin delivering alcohol. Hopefully along with actual food that has real nutrition. What a world we live in now, huh? I wonder if future generations will even believe us when we try to tell them what happened this year. Or will we sound like our parents when they described walking miles to school barefoot in the snow? To which, the kids of today can respond: “Well, at least you had a school to walk to!” Touché, youngsters, Touché.

On that note, I will leave you with some very practical Dos and Don’ts to help you through the Mars Retrograde Period (Sept 9th thru Nov 13th).

Mars Retrograde

Don’t be pushy. You don’t need to be first every single time.

Don’t be a bully.

Don’t give in to road rage. Aggressive behavior will not work now.

Don’t overdo it at the gym. Muscles can be overworked; easy does it.

Don’t have one-night stands (or unprotected sex).

Don’t pursue. Don’t chase. Don’t rush.

Don’t scream, don’t shout. 

Do listen…at least as much as you talk.

Do whisper, do lower your voice.

Do consider the other guy’s point of view.

Do finish your homework/due diligence; and research things before moving forward.

Do walk (slow your roll). Bonus points if you’re walking a mile in another’s shoes.

Do drive cautiously and yield the right-of-way.

Do let them come to you for a change.

Until next time, keep dancing. Even if it’s just on YouTube (or TikTok?). Whatever.

You are a fellow human being and I see you!   : 0 )

Vodka, Sarcasm and Other Disinfectants

by Lady Deane

Starting in May, three planets will retrograde within a few days of one another. In June Mercury will join the party and in September Mars will retrograde as well. And did I mention that there are three eclipses this summer?

And right now, as I write this in April, we are essentially living in the shadow phase of some of these retrogrades. The “pre-game show” if you will. Somehow, this does not scream “let’s all leave our houses again and get back to work” to me. Or “let’s all crowd into churches everywhere on Easter Sunday.” You know, so we can really celebrate the pandemic in style (I’ll bring the disinfectant wipes). Do I sound sarcastic yet? Then perhaps another vodka…

I’m not saying we won’t find some new and unusual ways to become (or stay) active and connected despite the coronavirus, because we (Americans especially) are nothing if not innovative. But I WILL say that the retrograde specialty is going within (not without). Introspection, self-reflection, you know, stuff that takes ALONE TIME. And not just in your head.

So what I’m thinking is that, instead of crowding all together in church with our notoriously religious president on Easter Sunday, perhaps we should all just stay the heck home (although, picturing him in his very fancy church clothes may actually be worth it. Cuz you just know he’ll have on his big Easter bonnet. The biggest. Tremendous. HUGE. Like no one has ever seen before).

Yes. Again with the sarcasm. This is what isolation and too much CNN has led to. I’m thinking of just watching the Disney channel from now on. I could really use some Aladdin right now. I’d wish us back to the time when we still believed in climate change and were besties with Canada. Oh, for the good ole days.

But I digress. And I swear, I really did start this article to offer some hope and a smidgen of practical advice.  So here are some Do’s, Don’t’s and Dates for the retrograding energies. And keep in mind that all retrogrades, to some extent, follow the old adage:

“Use it up, Wear it Out; Make it Do or Do Without!.”

So REuse, REpurpose, REpair are your watchwords, now and throughout the summer.

May 11 thru Sept 28: SATURN Retrogrades from Aquarius back to Capricorn

Saturn rules some big stuff like work and our career path. Many people will be rethinking these things now or reinventing new ways to do old jobs. I read the other day that a dairy farmer began delivering milk again to homes in person…in glass bottles like in the old days! Genius! He didn’t think it would work at first, but overnight he had more people signed up than he could handle. People who think outside the box (or even reuse a box from the past) will find a way over, under or through now. Some businesses of course will not be coming back after this is over. But perhaps this will give people a chance to do something else in life. Take a new path, try a new skillset. Early retirement? For some it’s an option. The idea here is to look around you. Reassess your own personal situation.

Real Estate can sometimes be a problem with both Venus and Saturn retrograding at the same time. Saturn rules real estate and Venus rules finances. So, if you’re planning on selling a house you may see some delays or a really slow market. And you may sell for less than what you had hoped for. If you can wait until late summer or early fall you’ll probably have better luck. But if you have to sell now, then give yourself the best possible chance by doing some work ahead of time. Tidy up any foundation or structural issues. Finish up projects already begun. And double-check your buyer’s financial/loan paperwork.

Also, in terms of finances and retrogrades, Saturn favors paying off debt and Venus favors saving. So they are on the same page here.

May 13 thru June 24: VENUS Retrogrades in Gemini

This one worries me a bit, because Gemini rules the lungs and given the medical problems people are having with the virus, I just don’t like the symbolism. What retrograde energy is perfect for though is strengthening any weak areas. So deep breathing exercises would be beneficial now. There are many wonderful YouTube videos on increasing lung capacity and it is actually very simple to do. You don’t need any equipment and you can do it right at home. But you need to do it every day. Also, retrograde energy is very good for research, so we may see new medications or treatments coming out that improve lung health. Perhaps a vaccine for the virus? It seems a bit early for that to me, but steady progress can be made in this area.

Venus also rules your physical comfort level, so probably a lot of people might be feeling that home*sweet*home is not as sweet as it could be. But home needn’t become a prison. A few basic changes or improvements should help; but think “try me out” before you commit to broad sweeping changes. For instance, you may want to entirely re-do the living room or your office, but before you throw everything away and order new stuff, try living with just one new piece at a time. Is that chair really as comfy as it looks on your computer screen? You won’t know until you try it out. And now’s the time to heed (or at least read) those reviews left by previous buyers.

Also, Venus will have a lot of us reaching for the comfort food. You know, apple pie just like mom used to make. So we try to make one. But then we learn that real flakey pie crust takes Crisco, not margarine. In other words, that comfort food may not taste like you remember it. Again, retrogrades often have a “trial and error” period. If you stick with it, you’ll eventually come up with a recipe that works for you. And some of you will learn to cook for the very first time, or even grow some of your own food. Victory (backyard) gardens may see a comeback now and windowsill gardens are nutritious and cheerful.

May 14 thru Sept 12: JUPITER Retrogrades in Capricorn

Well, Jupiter rules travel, so I guess this one doesn’t surprise anyone. Many of us have already cancelled travel plans and will be “stay-cationing.” Retrogrades won’t stop the really determined from going somewhere, but they often do present obstacles, unforeseen problems, delays, or cancellations.

Jupiter also rules higher education, so schools and colleges may not be open for business as usual. Or they may just find another way to educate….online classes should become pretty popular I’m thinking. Teachers have already shown a Herculean ability to transform their delivery methods, so I think this will open new doors for a lot of them. In the end, the only thing that can really stop education is a closed mind.

In addition to the retrograde energies, this summer will feature three eclipses. Retrogrades tend to slow things down a bit, have us working behind the scenes, or in private, or trouble shooting something already in progress. But eclipses tend towards getting stuck energy moving again. At first glance, these two things don’t seem to be congruent with one another. But I think they can work side-by-side, as long as people are not rushing to completion. And remember that eclipses work like vacuum cleaners. They make you clean out your closets first…before you move forward. So take your time on any projects you have going on now. Make sure you double check things before going ahead. Organize, prioritize, trouble-shoot. Get ALL your ducks in a row. Then act.

June 5: Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, 15 Degrees Sag/Gemini

June 21: New Moon Solar Eclipse, 0 Degrees Cancer

July 4/5: Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, 13 Degrees Capricorn/Cancer

The repetition of the sign Cancer in these eclipses (there was also a Cancer eclipse earlier in the year on Jan 10th) represents the family and our ability to nurture ourselves and our loved ones. Families will be getting together a bit differently now, but they will be in touch. And you can expect to hear from people you haven’t heard from in awhile. Maintaining health and healthcare for all will be a major theme.  And I also think that the eclipse energy will shine a light on those who are without family or who have been living in poverty, where food scarcity is a problem. Nurturing the poor – literally, making sure that people have enough to eat to be healthy in the first place – will be a theme. Saturn and Pluto have been traveling together for some time. Saturn represents the “old guard” and Pluto represents a major transformation. That, along with the summer eclipses, may signal a changing of the guard with respect to authority and control. And so we may see a transfer of power over the next 18 months.

There you have it. 2020 is complex (astrology-wise), and while it’s strong enough to be felt by everyone, individuals will have a variety of experiences depending on where these things are hitting their own natal charts (your mileage may vary). But on a larger scale, we ALL have bigger fish to fry, and larger lessons to learn.  Border walls and ivory towers won’t keep us safe when the whole world is hurting. If you had any illusions previously about the fact that we are all connected, then this year should really open your eyes. The land, the sea, and the sky are all sick and we are the reason. To the earth, we are the virus. But it doesn’t need to be that way. What we have destroyed we can repair. People are amazingly resilient and resourceful (all “re” words. Go Re-trogrades!).

I think that the real message of 2020 is to live with intention. It’s a tall order, but we can learn to become stewards of the land, guardians of the waters, and protectors of the sky. It’s our mess and we can clean it up. It’s not too late to honor the Earth. When Astrologers say “As Above, So Below” we often mean that the planets and stars in the heavens were meant to guide us. And what we see above our head, plays out here down on Earth. It’s an Angelic code, the language of the Gods and Goddesses. But the Earth is below and we (the people) are above, as well. So what we do up here matters to the Earth beneath our feet. If we don’t learn to live with intention and in harmony with natural laws, if we don’t respect our home, then the Earth will no longer be able to sustain and nurture us. Mother is sick. And if we want to heal, then we need to help her heal first. The good news is humanity will get thru this. The more somber news is that this is probably not the last pandemic we’ll see.

Most important grass-roots movements have begun one person at a time, making whatever changes they can make, and then sharing them. So never think that your one individual contribution, sacrifice, or change is too small to help. We are ALL capable of making a difference. For ourselves, for one another, and for the larger global community. Let’s all just take it one step at a time.

And you know what comes next, right? Because it’s Our Cosmic Dance, and we’re all dancing together in an immense Celestial Ballroom, with an endless variety of steps and a constantly changing rhythm.  And if we should need to learn a few new steps every now and again, well, then we are more than capable of doing so. Like a tree in a storm, if you sway you won’t break.  So LIVE with intention, DANCE your way through it, and SWAY with the rhythm.

And vodka. Don’t forget the vodka. OK, it may not actually disinfect anything (according to the CDC you’ll need something stronger than vodka for that). But I do know a guy who delivers.  : 0 )

2019 Eclipses and Bowie’s Cup

by Lady Deane

Last night I had a dream that my grandmother and David Bowie were sharing a drink in Heaven. My Nana always was one of my very favorite people. Not because of any particular talent or skill she possessed. Quite the opposite. In a crowd, she would not have stood out much. Many would have found her somewhat ordinary. But they would have been very much mistaken. Because she had one absolutely sterling quality. She was unflinchingly positive. Even though her own life had been anything but easy, she somehow managed to be forever cheerful. She was a true “cup-half-full” person.

Why is this such a priceless gift? Because quite frankly, we need these people. Especially now. The words of the cup-half-full people simply weigh less. They buoy us up in life, by their very presence. They make us better people. They make life easier and more bearable. Now, notice, I did not say they were always right. Sometimes the unfailingly optimistic are simply pie-in-the-sky, delusional, self-foolers. Some may wonder at times if they are even capable of seeing the same reality the rest of us are dealing with down here on planet earth. But they’re still better than the alternative.

Because there IS an important difference between simply being “realistic” (the battle cry of the cup-half-empty people), and being such a downer that you suck the oxygen out of every lung in the room. Here’s a tip: if people begin to consider suicide as an acceptable alternative to their problems after they’ve chatted with you at a party, you might want to reevaluate your cup-half-empty position. True reality (which, sorry cup-half-empty’s, is not always negative) lies somewhere in-between. Some days we’re the “have’s” and some the “have-not’s.”  La Fortuna goes up, La Fortuna goes down. And we ride the roller coaster of life.

Personally, if I have to pick a side….my cup is probably half-full. Of what, I won’t say (because some days it’s vodka). But hey, at least I got something in there to begin with. Do you? I think this year you are about to find out.

Right out of the gate, in January, 2019, there are two eclipses. We had one on January 6th and the second hits this weekend, January 21st. These eclipses have been exploring whether you are a half-full or half-empty type. They are testing the waters. Seeing if you mean what you say, if you’re ready to commit to your goals and New Year’s resolutions and dreams. The actual results of those tests will most likely come to us in July, when there will be two more eclipses. I call this “the summer of delivering the goods.” 

But for right now, the cup-half-empty people are likely going to hit rock bottom. Hard. And that cup’s gonna look more empty than the Sahara at noon. And the cup-half-full people are going to be, well, let’s just say “challenged.” And by that I mean, “Well, gee! What would happen if your dreams all suddenly DID come true?”

For example, let’s say that you’ve been looking to expand your business. You’re hoping and wishing for this real hard. You just know that this is what would make your life complete.

You would truly be happy then! For sure! And suddenly, almost overnight, your business triples. You’re working around the clock. You haven’t slept, showered or had a hot meal that wasn’t in a take-out bag in weeks. You might still be wearing Monday’s underwear (and it’s Friday).  Your computer system wasn’t designed to handle this kind of growth, so now you need a new system. Your tax accountant won’t stop calling (you handled your own books before the expansion just fine).

But it’s your dream, right? Your heart’s desire. So why aren’t you deliriously happy?

Get where I’m going with this? Even the cup-half-full people would have problems with this scenario. People are often surprised to find that success can bring a generous amount of discomfort. It’s called growing pains. The question is not CAN you make your dreams come true, but what are you willing to sacrifice for the dream? And how big should your dream be, anyway? When is it too big to enjoy anymore? In other words, when does the dream become a nightmare?

Let’s look at another example. This one’s personal. Up until a few months ago I lived in a 750 square-foot apartment. Not exactly a castle, but big enough to house a home office space (because I work from home) along with all my books, fabric, yarn, crafts, sewing machines, and all the other crap one accumulates after 60+ years on earth. Oh, and a 22-lb Maine Coon Cat named Olivander. Only one problem. My dream is to live near the sea, which my apartment was not. But through a strange set of circumstances (my apartment building was being sold), I suddenly had a chance to make my dream a reality.

So I moved and lived happily ever after with Neptune, right? Hardly. Turns out, the only apartments on the coast that I could afford were half the size I needed. That meant downsizing. A lot. Like half my stuff (don’t worry, I kept the cat. I’m not a monster). But books definitely had to go. I have spent a lifetime collecting metaphysical books and getting rid of them felt like loosing a limb. But I did it. Not all at once, of course. Some days I needed to just sit and cry. I did it slowly, book by book, in sad little phases. Because in the end I realized that I had to choose stuff or happiness.  

So now I live 10 minutes from the beach in a teeny, tiny apartment with half the books (PS: the library is within walking distance) and all the sun, sand and surf I can handle.

Am I glad I moved? Yes. Yes, I am. But some days I still struggle a bit. Some of my furniture didn’t fit and I had to downsize several more times. I still get lost on some of the roads (although oddly enough, I can always seem to find the beach. I’m like a homing pigeon, but with water). And I’m still not sure how to operate my cable box. Also, I spend an unhealthy amount of time watching youtube videos about tiny homes and micro apartments to see how other people have managed (luckily, this is apparently a trend right now). In other words, I’m still processing the move. It may take me six months or more to really feel at home here. Let’s just say I look forward to summer and lots more beach time. But I do know I made the right decision. And my choice was definitely worth the struggle. That’s worth more than all the books in the world to me.

What these two examples have in common is the realization that dreams require action and often sacrifice. We decide what’s important and which things are worth the struggle. THEN WE HAVE TO ACT ON THOSE DECISIONS. When these eclipses hit, it’s going to become apparent very quickly that there can be no more fence-sitting. No more waffling. No more procrastination or excuses. Eclipses do move stuck energy. But you decide where you want to go with it.

When is expansion worth the price? When your life has become so tiny you’ve imprisoned your dreams in a self-made cage. When is downsizing worth the effort? When your “stuff” (and it may be emotional as well as physical) has narrowed your choices and weighed your life down.

If it’s Expand vs. Suffocate, then GROW.

If it’s the Stuff vs. the Life-You-Always-Wanted, then DITCH THE STUFF.

So, cup-half-full or cup-half-empty, DRINK WHAT’S IN THE CUP ALREADY! Because the secret to managing this year’s cosmic dance is to make actual choices in life. Get off the fence, get into the car (or boat) and start your engine.  

Right now you have a very real chance to start over, to plot a new course in some important way. This is an excellent time to make decisions about where you want to be and what you want to be doing in your future life. Make your selection and then allow some processing time to assimilate the changes that follow. Acknowledge your dreams; be glad you still have them. And then learn what’s possible within the available time, talent and resources you have at your disposal. Let go of what’s not working in your life, to make room for what is. 

Because if you don’t, come summer (and the next round of eclipses), you’ll need more than vodka to feel better.

So ask yourself what’s really, truly important to you? What would you do if your dreams suddenly came true? Which dreams would they be? And how would you handle that? That’s the dance you’re doing now. For most of us, there will be a lot of new steps to learn. And we’re learning them on-the-go.

Also, it wouldn’t hurt to try and see the world (just for a moment) from the other cup’s point of view. And whether you see half-full or half-empty, share what you got.  I mean, for Heaven’s sake. The cup was ALWAYS REFILLABLE!

OK, I gotta go. David and Nana are waiting. And that vodka isn’t going to drink itself.

The Ziggy Stardust:

4 parts vodka, 1 part violette liqueur, dash of orange bitter

½ part Goldschläger, dash ground cinnamon.

Pour vodka and liqueur together with the bitters over ice, then strain into a chilled glass. Light the Goldschläger in a separate glass and pour over drink. Dust with cinnamon.

Dance Away the Weekend, Aug/2018

by Lady Deane

This article is just a reminder, really, that a New Moon Solar Eclipse occurs on Saturday, August 11th.  It occurs in the sign of Leo the Lion which rules children, love affairs, and creativity, just to name a few things. Wherever the sign of Leo falls in your chart is where you most want to “shine” in life. Those who have it on the Midheaven or in the 10th house, for example, may need to shine in their careers or to become well known for something.  If you have it in the 7th house you may choose to shine through your marriage or share the spotlight with business partners. If you have it in the 1st house you are an incorrigible narcissist who loves mirrors. Just kidding (every now and then I like to see if people really read these things). In the 1st house you would literally shine through your unique personality. In the 4th house, your home would be where the spotlight shines and you may develop your creativity through unusual furnishings or interior design. And so on.

Any eclipse, regardless of the sign it occurs in, will act like a catalyst to get stuck energies moving again. I like to think of them as “closet cleaners” or where we are likely to be getting our ducks in a row. So, stuff usually takes on speed during an eclipse week. However, Saturday’s New Moon Eclipse occurs at the same time that we have six planets in retrograde: Mercury, Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. This does change the energy somewhat.  Of the retrograding planets, Mercury is most likely the most annoying (delaying plans, increasing miscommunications, messing with your electronic systems like internet connections or emails). Fortunately, it’s short-lived and Mercury will be going direct on August 18th. This will be followed by Mars going direct on August 28th and Saturn, which goes direct on September 6th.

So really, in the scheme of things, this is a brief period of time. But for this weekend and next week, I just have a few ideas to share. As the “hurry up and get it done!” energy of the eclipse mixes with the “slow down and do it right!” energy of the retrogrades, try to keep in mind that people may be under tremendous pressure. We often don’t know the hidden problems or heartbreak that people carry around with them. So rather than add to the madness, be a messenger of light now. Meet stress with calm;  “get out of my way, fool” with “after you, friend;” and mean-spirited rants with kindness and compassion. Yes, that’s hard to do. Human nature seems to be more “hit me, I’ll hit you back harder” rather than “turn the other cheek” at the moment. What we put out there matters.  Maybe more so now than ever. Some days it seems to me that the “mean streets” are getting a whole lot meaner (and angrier)! But if we all forget our manners and give in to public tantrums we are adding to the problem, not the solution.

So, instead of brawling, DANCE the weekend away (Playtime is another thing ruled by Leo)! Then look up and thank your lucky stars.   : 0 )

The SUMMER of 2018

by Lady Deane

The sky does not stand still. It’s like an all-nite Dance Hall that never closes. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, all day every day. The dance is ever in progress.  And this summer the dance steps are a bit livelier and more complex than usual.  This is mostly because between July and August there will be three eclipses. Normally, eclipses get the energy moving again. If you’ve been “stuck” someplace in life, chances are that this summer you’re about to be blown right out of your own way.

As I say, normally this is what happens, and normally it’s a good thing. No one likes being stuck. But this summer happens to also feature a whole sky full of retrograding planets, and this does complicate things a bit. Oh, you’ll still get unstuck and moving. But you may well have to jump a few strategically placed hurdles along the way.


We’ll tackle the retrogrades first. Let’s look at some dates. In June, Mars retrogrades from June 26th thru August 27th, from 9 degrees Aquarius back down thru 29 degrees Capricorn.  Adding Mars to Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto (which were already retrograde), that makes 5 planets retrograding at once. Then on July 10th, Jupiter will go direct; however on July 25th Mercury will join in the retrograde parade! So, we spend most of July with 5 retrograding planets as well. Then in August Uranus joins the retrograding horde making 6 retrograding planets at one time. This has happened before, so I wouldn’t say it’s rare or anything, but it certainly does not happen every year and it definitely complicates the eclipse season.

Now, I’m not going to talk about every retrograde because there are just too darn many of them (and also I’m not an Avenger. My only superpower is astrology). And the outer planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) spend about half the year retrograding anyway. But I am going to give you some info about Mars, because it’s the most recent retrograde and because it’s been my experience that Mars and Mercury retrogrades tend to be a bit more noticeable than some of the other planets.

With Mars, the key phrase is “slow down” (literally). The more you can switch gears, and “power down” (or go within), the better off you will be.  For example: Do you normally like to jog or work out when you get stressed?  Someone who normally uses physical activity to process stress, may find that Mars retrograde periods are a bit more problematic. Because as Mars retrogrades, it will slow down our physical progress for a time.  So, for instance, you would be better off taking a meditation class than a step aerobics class then.  Or perhaps you could briefly switch over to stretching exercises or strength training (something slower and more deliberate than just running). At the very least, make sure you do your warm-ups and cool downs…even if you’re normally OK skipping them. Mars retrogrades are notorious times for accidents or injury. Type-A’s have the most problem here. Do you feel the need to stay busy 24/7? Because someone who needs to be “doing” all the time, will find both Mars and Mercury retrograde periods quite challenging. As these planets retrograde, the new energy will discourage “busy-ness” in day-to-day life and encourage a tour of the inner landscape instead.

In previous articles I’ve talked a lot about Mercury retrograde, so this time around I’m going to focus on Mars retrograde and provide a few tips about how to navigate it successfully. Normally, when faced with a challenging situation, Mars is the King of “just barreling thru it.”  Think Ram. And when Mars is direct this will work more times than not. However, when Mars is retrograde pure bluster and muscle just won’t cut it. Now you will be involved in situations that require a bit more finesse or planning. Just what Mars hates. Or, when all else fails, how about standing still (as opposed to charging blindly ahead) to assess the damage? Yet another thing Mars isn’t very good at. Thinking before acting.

What Mars Represents: War, Anger, Survival instinct, Physical Energy, your “get-up-and-go” Ambition, Drive, Competition, Passion, Sexual Expression

Who Mars represents: Yourself, Your Enemy, Your Competitor, Your Lover, the Object of your Passion

When Mars retrogrades we are processing our anger, as well as our passion and drive. Here are a few suggestions for getting through it in style (and with your horns still intact).


·      Don’t be pushy.  You don’t need to be first every single time.

·      Don’t be a bully.

·      Don’t shout.

·      Don’t give in to road rage. Aggressive behavior will not work out well for you now (if it ever did).

·      Don’t overdo it at the gym. Muscles can be overworked, easy does it.

·      Don’t pursue. Don’t chase (let people come to you for a change). Avoid one-night stands  (or unprotected sex).

·      Don’t rush around. Don’t be an accident waiting to happen.


·      Do drive cautiously, do give the right-of-way, decrease your speed.

·      Do lower your voice (or at least become more aware of how annoying it is when you have loud cell phone conversations in public spaces).

·      Do process old grievances.

·      Do let go of grudges.

·      Do learn to express anger in a healthy way.

·      Do slow down (walk, don’t run).

·      Do express/explore your passion in life.


Now, combine everything we just said about retrograding energy with the eclipse energy and you’ll know approximately how hard it is to be an astrologer!  What am I? Houdini? (possibly…and now for your viewing entertainment, watch me escape this death-defying feat by writing my way out!). Eclipses narrow your focus like a laser beam and shine light into the dark spaces in your life. They “illuminate” (sometimes, literally) where we need to clean out, let go, and get going again.

Imagine cleaning out a closet you haven’t been through in years. It’s dark and scary in there. Like something from another planet. Who knows what you’ll find? Discarded toys from childhood (chewed-on leggos, war-torn GI Joes)? Aunt Hilda’s figurine collection? Last summer’s exercise equipment (from way back when you thought you could actually get “swimsuit” ready)? Gasp! Talk about your magic tricks.

But no matter what you find, it’s yours and you have to clean it up. You can’t hide from it, and you can’t just shove it back into the closet. Sure, it’s daunting at first. Who likes to clean out closets? But then you get your flashlight out, clear out the clutter, clean out the cobwebs, take a pile to Goodwill, and *!*presto-change-o*!* just like that your closet is looking like it’s from earth again. Perhaps you even have room for your clothes (I would add “and shoes” to this sentence, but I’m not insane. Closets do have their limitations).

Now the important question…WHERE are you closet cleaning this summer? What kind of closet are you dealing with? That’s the real mystery. And just like Agatha Christie, a real live astrologer can solve the mystery by telling you which areas of life you will be dealing with this summer. You see, eclipses happen within the sign that the moon occupies….and they also affect the opposite sign. A Solar Eclipse pairs the Sun and Moon in the same sign and a Lunar Eclipse has the Sun and Moon in opposite signs. Here are the dates and signs of the upcoming eclipses:

July 12th: Solar Eclipse, New Moon at 20 degrees Cancer

July 27th: Lunar Eclipse, Full Moon at 4 degrees Aquarius/Leo

August 11th: Solar Eclipse, New Moon at 18 degrees Leo

A brief word about signs: Cancer rules mothers and families and Leo rules children. Soooo…I’m thinking that on the world stage we may see the July and August eclipses playing out in the area of immigrant children and family issues. Remember what I said about not being able to hide stuff anymore?  Add to that the fact that eclipses tend to uncover the truth about stuff (they shine light). So if you’re hiding things, they tend to come out during eclipses. Yes, I do digress. But interesting, no?

For those of you who know your charts, here is a “mini list” of the houses and some of the eclipse themes that may manifest. Remember that eclipses often effect house polarities–that is–2 opposite houses at a time. They’re efficient that way. They multitask.

HOUSES 1/7: This polarity deals with “self/not-self” or self vs others. It’s all about relationships, and your most important relationship starts with Y-O-U. Sort out who you want to be, then who you want to be with. Themes: self development, self improvement, makeovers, dating and mating and otherwise pairing up, make-ups or break-ups, marriage and divorce, partnership negotiations and agreements.

HOUSES 2/8: This polarity deals with finances and what you value. What belongs to you, and what to your partner? Time to get your financial ducks in a row. It also deals with self-esteem…as in….do you have any? People living in poverty often suffer indignities that those with wealth don’t have to worry about. But we all have worth as people. Themes: money, bank accounts, shared resources, debts. Death and dying, inheritance, gifts, insurance payouts. One’s “net worth” (is self-esteem calculated before or after taxes?).

HOUSES 3/9: This polarity deals with communication, information, and (hopefully) wisdom. Let your voice be heard. If you have something to say, say it. But tell your truth. And remember, that it may not be someone else’s truth. You gotta own it. Themes: emails, snailmail, texting, cellphones, writing and all forms of communicating, education, publication, siblings and neighbors, spiritual growth and exploration, travel, short trips and commutes. Planes, trains, and automobiles.

HOUSES 4/10: This polarity deals with public and private standing in the world. Home vs Career, family connections vs business connections, they nurture one another. And, if you work at home you have to learn to combine the two. To have purpose in life depends upon setting a successful foundation. This allows you to go out into the world with confidence and achieve your goals. Themes: home, family, tribe, childhood, the past, mothering, nurturing, homemaking, career, titles, goals, honors and achievements. Public standing.

HOUSES 5/11: This polarity deals with youth vs age, children and the elderly, artistry, creativity, having fun (at any age), and being young at heart. Here we join groups to support a cause or because we need to be with people of like mind (like groups of people who share our hobbies). Themes: children, recreation, vacation, procreation, creative self expression, acting, performing, romance, groups and clubs, retirement plans, what one does after ones career, hopes, dreams and wishes .

HOUSES 6/12: This polarity deals with health, and what is either done (or undone) to it each and every day in your daily routine. And health is both mental and physical, so emotional habit patterns become just as important as whether or not you smoke or drink. Themes: health and wellness, diet and exercise routines, good and bad habits (and how they impact overall health), mental fitness and strength, chronic health problems, cures and treatments, therapy, small animals and pets.

So, hopefully, this little dance lesson will help some of you navigate the ballroom more gracefully. As for me, I absolutely love knowing that the sky will always keep me on my toes!  Ever lively, ever rhythmic, and always fun. So enjoy the dance this summer.  For come the fall, the rhythm will change and once again we’ll have new steps to learn. I can’t wait!  : 0 )





December: Where the Rubber Meets the Road

by Lady Deane

This Sunday there will be a Full Moon across the signs of Gemini/Sagittarius (Moon in Gemini, Sun in Sagittarius). At the same time, Mercury will begin its 3 week retrograde back through Sagittarius (traveling some of the same ground as the Full Moon), making December a very tricky month.

Normally, Gemini is a very sociable and talkative sign. It’s anything but serious. It’s diverse, it’s versatile. It knows a little about a lot of different things and likes to communicate them. And it gives the gift of gab. In fact, at times it’s downright chatty, that is, when it’s not being downright argumentative. It loves to gossip. It often admits facts not in evidence just because they’re juicy. Think about our Gemini president, for example.

Now, not every Gemini will thoughtlessly tweet out every inane thought that pops into their heads, but during this particular Gemini-focused time (i.e.: most of December), you really shouldn’t. Gemini’s normally entertaining and witty persona will suddenly seem like so much superficial bullhocky that people will finally call it for what it is. And no one is going to want any version of superficial now. If you’ve been just skating by prior to this with “quick and dirty” or any version of anything less than precise and accurate, you’re going to be in the doghouse with somebody for sure. Wrong is wrong and sugar coating it won’t help you. The facts are actually going to matter this month, so spare yourself the headache of rework and double check your spreadsheets or whatever you have to do to get the facts straight. Similarly, what you don’t know can hurt you at this time, and people will be reminded in some important way that ignorance of the law is no excuse. Educate yourself. And if someone tries to help you out by showing you something you didn’t know, say “thank you” (not “piss off”). After all, if we’re all going to get along (and being a cock-eyed optimist I still believe we can), manners do count.

On a practical and somewhat more literal note, have your car serviced (especially the tires)–or at least check out that weird noise it’s been making for the past month. This will be especially important for those who have travel plans over the holidays. Also: double check your tickets/booking info to make sure they say you’re actually going where you intended to be going! And for anyone who does experience travel delays or detours… remember that the road less travelled often has hidden blessings. Like… sights you may not have gotten to see otherwise, or like new vistas that suddenly open up to a whole world of exciting possibilities. In other words, make the best of who and what you end up with. In the end you may be surprised at just how pleasant that can be. Physically, take care of your shoulders, arms and hands.

Bottom line? Much of December may feel like missteps or misplaced energy (for those who rush ahead), or like you’re playing a testy sort of waiting game (for those who appreciate good timing). But things do improve around the Winter Solstice (Dec 21st), so hang in there. And Mercury goes direct just in time to make your holidays Merry and Bright.

In the meantime, you can still multi-task (a Gemini specialty), but keep your eyes on the prize because distractions will loom large. Also, try not to jump to conclusions about anyone or anything. Give your word judiciously and when you give it, keep it (don’t over promise). Between the effects of the New Moon in Gemini and Mercury retrograde you’ll want to think twice before emailing, tweeting, sharing your thoughts (then think again). Because first impressions (about people, situations, projects etc.) will likely need to be revised at some point later on simply because there’s stuff you didn’t know or weren’t aware of. And don’t talk over people…you’ll miss something important. Half of your conversations should involve listening anyway.

Lastly, make sure your tires still have some tread on them. “Where the rubber meets the road” is another way of saying that this month shows us who can really get the job done when they’re put to the test. In other words, to get somewhere in December, you’ll need to prove what you’re really made of.  So braggarts beware. The real work starts when the talk stops and you put the car in gear.

And you DO have places to go! Wonderful places. Never doubt it! I hope to see some of you there. And if you’d like a personal roadmap to help guide your way, my readings will all be on sale until January 1st.    Happy Holidays! : 0 )

August 2017: Two Eclipses, Mercury Retrograde, Lions, Tigers and Birds….(oh my)

by Lady Deane

AUG 7, 2017   Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 15 degrees Aquarius/Leo

Sabian Symbol: “Two love birds sitting on a fence and singing happily.”

The Sabian Symbol for an eclipse is always read for the position of the Moon (15 Aquarius). The upside of this degree is happy, as it celebrates togetherness, friendship and joyful reunions. Affectionate chattering, true togetherness, friendship, and the sharing of lives are all favored now.

Or, does the twittering noise simply mask what’s really going on under the surface? Does it create a common bond between people or does it build a wall between them? When one is “sitting on a fence” it can also mean having to pick a side…and committing to it. Fences, borders, walls, barriers and complaining about what’s wrong without knowing how to fix it may be part of the possible down side. In relationships, too much meaningless chatter can drown out the important stuff and leave one feeling stuck.

I see the possible polarity here. Many will have something wonderful to celebrate now and they will rejoice with those whom they feel a sense of camaraderie and fellowship. They will move ahead in life with the support of their community. But the egocentric, narcissistic types cannot be happy for others and they will see nothing to celebrate. From them we can expect nothing but noise.

AUG 21, 2017   New Moon TOTAL Solar Eclipse at 28 degrees Leo

Sabian Symbol: “Many little birds chirping on the limb of a large tree.”

This is a particularly important one this year because it is a TOTAL solar eclipse (not all eclipses are total), and also because it’s visible through a fairly wide portion of the USA. So it’s important nationally as well as individually, and our country will continue to develop these eclipse themes over the next 9-18 months. This can run the gamut from political changes to major changes in weather patterns, with the tendency for everything to become a bit more intense. It’s kind of like watching storm clouds gather right before the skies open up and drench the earth with life giving water (and a few thunder bolts for good measure). Some things will be washed (or burned) away in the process, as eclipses in fire signs tend to move quickly and clear a path. Hopefully it’s so something better can move into the void that’s being created. And lets not forget who’s creating the “something better”…we are.

If you look at the symbolism of the chattering birds, it’s like they’re forming a committee. This can go in many directions. People can fritter away their energies on gossip or they can choose to gather together for a cause. Whether it’s big government or your local library, people are looking for others of like-mind now to share ideas with. And any form of communication may be highlighted: the internet, chat groups, twitter, books, tapes, CDs, publishing, etc. People will seek out ways to pass information along. Some of the negatives associated with this degree include: feeling invisible or “lost” in the crowd, not being able to get a word in edgewise, everyone talking/no one listening, useless chatter/gossip, a cacophony of sound, NOISE.

Remember, chatter can be happy like friends at a quilt guild or book club, or it can descend into chaos with too many points of view like at a political town hall meeting. We have to remember to listen as well as talk. Communication is supposed to be a 2-way street.

Individually, many people will be developing their own personal style, creativity and projects now. Of course, Leo the Lion wouldn’t have it any other way. And we’ll need to decide where we fit within the fabric of society­—and, on a more local level—within our families and circles of friends. Have you outgrown your friends? Here’s a chance to either make new ones, or branch out on your own for a change. Be open to new friendship and affiliation, but support your inner “Diva” or soloist as well. Every group is made up of individuals, after all.

In addition to the eclipses, Mercury will retrograde from August 12th thru September 4th. It retraces its steps back through Virgo and into the last degrees of Leo. What’s interesting is that it will end its retrograde journey at 28 degrees of Leo, which means it will reactivate the August 21st eclipse degree. This lends support to the eclipse themes for that time. As far as Mercury retrograde in Virgo goes, you know the drill by now. Virgo is all about the details. So get your house/affairs in order and don’t sign long-range important contracts now without carefully reading the fine print first. And purchasing communication equipment (phones, computers, etc.) is inviting trouble. Although, repairing existing communication systems may prove worthwhile.

Well now let’s see…where is this all headed? It’s the Year of the Rooster and 3 of the 4 eclipses this year feature Birds in their Sabian Symbols. Coincidence? I think not. Squawk all you want, but there’s an avian theme a-foot (or a-claw) and methinks that perhaps someone’s chickens are about to “come home to roost.” (and you over-tweeters know who you are, too).

Back in February I told people that from a historical perspective, Rooster years tend to produce larger than normal earthquakes and storms, as well as influenza-type outbreaks.  So, you know. Mind the weather, get your flu shot, stay off twitter.

Remember if we all keep on dancing everything will be just fine. Really. It’s all going to be ok. Keep Calm, Dance On (then look up and thank your lucky stars!).     : 0 )


Capricorn Full Moon: will the real Grown-Up in the room please stand up?

by Lady Deane

Sunday, July 9th is the full Moon in Capricorn. Saturn rules the earth sign, Capricorn. And Saturn likes grown-ups. You know, those mythic individuals who take responsibility for their own lives and, despite what life throws at them, somehow manage to “soldier on.” These are the real troopers, the ones who take it on the chin without whining. And you’d better not whine at them, either!

It’s not that Capricorn/Saturnine types don’t have empathy for those who are suffering. But let’s just say that you’d better truly be suffering. Because crocodile tears won’t cut it with them. They wait til you really need help before offering. And when they do offer, they mean it. Another Saturn trait–honoring your commitments.

So, like I say, normally a Capricorn Moon would be a rather serious and somber event all by itself…a time of concluding ones responsibilities. Paying the bills, eating all your veggies, persevering no matter what…blah, blah, blah. All that boring grown-up stuff, which always works so well under Capricorn. But this particular full Moon is a real doozy! Because now, in addition to the extra energy one feels during any full moon, we also get to experience the Moon conjunct to Pluto and opposing Mars.  This combines extra depth and intensity–courtesy of Pluto–with the fire and passion of Mars. This can cause fights…or you could enjoy some really passionate sex. Either way, it’s intense!

Yes, I suppose it’s true. This energy is somewhat challenging. And you could find yourself wasting the energy by fighting with your family or co-workers (the “family” away from home). You could also choose to blame everyone else for your problems. And you hot-heads and road-ragers out there do need to be a bit cautious.  Because with the Pluto/Mars opposition, a simple disagreement could escalate all too quickly into World War III if you let it.

OR, how about this.

WHAT IF, instead of raging at the world, you could choose to direct all that intense passion, drive and self-discipline into one of your own projects? Imagine the determination and never-say-die attitude of Capricorn/Saturn combined with the intense depths of Pluto and the passion of Mars. What a combination for achievement!

True, this particular full moon is not for sissies. Whiners and kidults please beware (and hide under your blankies til it’s over). But for those of you brave souls who regularly stare back into the abyss yelling: “Is that all ya got?!?” take note: the time is NOW to make stuff happen. You have what it takes to get to the next level of something in your life, so don’t give up. Stick with it, and you may even surprise yourself at what you can do! Stand up and be counted (and counted on). Grown-ups have earned their stripes.

As with all things Capricorn, it’s the mature choice that counts. And the good news is that you get to make that choice. Good luck with that. (being Neptunian myself, I may just be hiding under my blankie on Sunday)

From a health perspective, Capricorn rules the knees and the skeleton, so take it easy on the old bones now. Stretch before exercising and just know that when the Moon and Pluto get together you might feel a bit invincible (that is, when you’re not feeling completely emotionally raw and vulnerable). Sports tend to be a good outlet for this type of energy, provided you’re not a sore looser (again, the whole grown-up attitude thing). There’s a nice combination of physical energy and strength available now, which works well for sports or martial arts that require a fiercely disciplined approach. Your awareness of the aging process is also likely to be heightened, but if you listen to your body you will find ways to improve your health.


Don't like the sounds of this full Moon? Don't worry, next month there'll be another! Because the heavens have decreed that we earthlings all need to learn a few new dance steps every now and again. So step up and dance. Then look up and thank your lucky stars.

THE GARDENER: A Venus Retrograde Story  

by Lady Deane

As so often happens when Venus retrogrades (and Neptune rises), last night I had a most peculiar dream. I dreamed of a grand and stately old home, seated high on a rocky cliff, overlooking a vast ocean. My trip there was no accident, as I had been sent to interview its famous but somewhat illusive owner. Knowing his reputation, I worried about what sort of reception I might be in for.

Yet from the very moment I arrived–from knocking on the massive and somewhat intimidating front door to the moment I left a completely changed person–all secrets were revealed to me, and all barriers whisked away like cobwebs from an old statue, revealing the beauty within. From the instant my foot crossed over the threshold it was as if I were being received not by the owner, but by the house itself…by the land beneath it, and by the gardens and ocean surrounding it…as its most honored guest. For the truth is, I was at home from the moment I entered, and I felt this instantly. As though I had always belonged there and had just stepped out for the briefest of moments to explore a few other lives; knowing the entire time that I would return home eventually. For where else but home does one go when one’s journey has ended? It was truly an odd sensation and one that stayed with me long after I had completed my assignment, long after I left the house, and long after I awoke from the “dream.”

In the dream, the owner himself answered the door. Not the usual routine (he assured me), as he generally employed a staff for such mundane events. But as it happens, he was giving a garden party that day and thought I was a friend whose arrival he had been eagerly anticipating. I quickly explained my presence and offered to come back at a more convenient time. Whereupon he seemed to surprise even himself by smiling graciously and then saying: “No, no, come in, come in. No time like the present, as they say!” For a moment I thought he was joking, but then realized that he, too, must have felt the house welcome me. And he simply followed suit.

So I was treated to a “Royal” tour of the place, complete with fascinating histories, wildly entertaining stories and personal anecdotes. And it was really amazing. Not only because he was uncharacteristically opening up to me, and not even because the article was practically writing itself. It was amazing because during the entire tour I knew everything about the place before he told me. It was as if he had been merely “squatting” in the place all these years, waiting for the true owners to return. It was an odd feeling, though certainly not unpleasant. But as it turned out, the best part was yet to come.

The best part was the garden. Or should I say “gardens” for surely no one garden could have contained such an amazing array and variety of flowers, plants, herbs, trees and shrubbery. The colors alone were amazing! The gardens actually sort of started indoors in an aviary type room with tall ceilings and lots of glass, and then just moved very naturally and organically out into the sunlight and fresh air through glass walls that themselves opened onto an overflowing, perpetually-blooming, terrace. The floors and stone half-walls seemed alive with living things. And the whole amazing panorama overlooked a powerful and majestic ocean. And smack in the middle of all this blooming splendor, standing next to a fountain, which housed a statue of Poseidon no less, I came at last upon the Gardener.

She was tending to some plants as I approached her: pruning the leaves on this one, giving extra water to that one, nurturing and cooing to them the entire time as though speaking to a favorite and most beloved child. Watching her was fascinating. She knew instantly what each plant most needed and responded immediately, moving easily between pots of brightly colored flowers to mixed green beds, to lush bushes and tall trees. The plants actually seemed to turn their faces to her, their leaves and petals fluttering eagerly in her direction, anticipating her loving and healing touch.

The famous owner had, meanwhile, corralled an employee and soon busied himself with specific (and complicated-sounding) orders for wines and champagnes and hors d'oeuvres for his gala; so it gave me some time to follow the Gardener on her rounds.

“So,” I said, somewhat in awe, “You created all this splendor!”

“Oh no,” she laughed, good-naturedly, “One never actually creates life. One need only step aside and allow life to be what it was meant to be.”


“In other words,” she said, looking at me over her horn-rimmed glasses with a twinkle in her eye, “One need only to give up trying to control it all.”

I looked at her in utter disbelief. “But, really, what’s your secret?”

“Well,” she said, as she paused to contemplate, “I suppose it does help just a bit if you let yourself love it all.”

She peered over at me. I gave her a quizzical look. Her next answer surprised me a bit, but I knew it was true.

“You know it can’t last.” She continued. “Most of them are here for a season or two, then they’re gone. And you can’t hold too tightly to them, not if you want them to grow. But you love them all anyway. Unreservedly. With all your heart.”

Our eyes met then, and I understood. Because I instantly knew that no matter how much love she had given away here, that she would always have more, and that her heart would always be full.

At that, the owner returned, seeming much more distracted now. He apologized, but as the party was about to begin, he had no more time to spare. I thanked him for everything and assured him I would see myself out. As I exited the beautiful home and made my way back down the lane, I was surprised to see the Gardener waiting for me by my car. In her arms she held the most beautiful bouquet of flowers. Now, I’m no expert, but in the mix I thought I saw Roses, Zinnias, Pansies, and some Honeysuckle all surrounded by a bit of Rosemary. She handed them to me and I was so delighted I actually laughed.

“For me??? They are so beautiful! Thank you!”

In that moment I wished I could say I would visit her beautiful gardens again, but I pretty much figured that my tour that day was a lucky fluke….a one-night-only performance by its somewhat mercurial owner. The Gardener seemed to read my thoughts.

“Don’t worry, you’ll be back.”  She smiled as she saw my skepticism. “Owners may come and go my dear. They can even be useful if they’re not too much underfoot. But it’s the Caretakers who bring a place to life. If you belong here, the place will know; and you’ll always find a welcome.”

In that moment I realized that the Gardener was the true Caretaker here. For what is a Caretaker but someone who cares?


And then I woke up.

I thought about what the Gardener had said for a long, long while. The dream still haunts me. I can still smell the flowers and feel the spray of the Ocean off the terrace. Could she have been right? After all, when considered from within the grand scheme of time, one may own a place but for a brief period. But if one loves a place!  Well, then. Love leaves a bit of itself behind, and we become a part of everything, every place, and everyone we’ve ever cared for. Love’s energy is timeless and remains after all else has passed away. Ownership requires paperwork. But love requires sacrifice. Owners may invest, but love is invested. Love is a Caretaker. It infuses the place (and the people) with something incandescent, and forever colors it with an indescribable sense of something so much more than an address.

Ownership is temporary. Love is eternal. This is the real message of Venus.

From March 4th through April 15th Venus will retrograde through Aries and Pisces. Venus, like all other retrograding planets, carries energy that calls us inward during this time. So is it any wonder then, that understanding Venus might require personal stories?  Because knowing the interior of anything….person, place, or thing…is a complex journey at best. One that favors the introspective; one that takes time and patience; one that requires participation of a very personal nature. And perhaps, one that might even require dreams.

Venus, being Venusian and all (ie: the consummate hostess), is the very soul of etiquette. Venus is not Mars, never will be. She never forces, only entices. So we are gracefully invited at this time to participate in our very own private lives and personal stories. And though we have free will, this is an invitation we can just barely resist. But why would you? For she calls to us as a Siren in the night, whispering sweetly of our greatest desires and our most heartfelt longings. And besides, it is unbearably, heartbreakingly beautiful.

Do you hear her calling? 


by Lady Deane


Jan 28th is the New Moon in Aquarius.  An excellent time to get together in groups (which Aquarius rules). So whether meeting with your book club or marching on Washington, let your voice be heard. Aquarius is all about the power of committed gatherings and there’s nothing people can’t accomplish when they join together.

As it happens, Jan 28th also marks the beginning of the Chinese New Year.  The Chinese follow a lunar/solar calendar, and their New Year usually falls on the New Moon occurring between January 21st and February 21st, so it is not the same date each year.  2017 is the Year of the Rooster.

Roosters are known to be hardworking, determined and fiercely protective (of their families, homes, turf, etc.). But, while not exactly playful, they have been known to enjoy the spotlight from time to time. So, you know, might be a good year for a make-over.

In a Rooster year, it is said that those who stay vigilant and mind their responsibilities will do well.  Apply yourself in all you take on now. Planning, strategizing, and brainstorming will help. This is a good time for “putting things to rights” so getting organized in all areas of life is favorable and will assist you in accomplishing that much more. Last year (2016), was a Monkey year, a time of pranks and tricksters and generally just “monkeying around.” Rooster years are a bit more somber however, and tend to favor the serious-minded. But that doesn’t mean you won’t have any fun.  Just get the work done first, then party. And don’t forget the “vigilance” part! Lock your doors at night to keep the foxes out.

From a historical perspective, Rooster years tend to produce larger than normal earthquakes (as Oklahoma has recently discovered), as well as influenza-type outbreaks.


In Cosmic Dance News (the celestial dance going on just over your head), February features two powerful Eclipses.

FEB 10-11, 2017

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 22 degrees Leo

Sabian Symbol: “A carrier pigeon fulfilling its mission.”

I’m tempted to just call this one: WORDS HAVE POWER.

This degree carries within it the fulfillment of some task, mission, job, purpose or message.  We are completing something that took some time, effort and creative energy to accomplish.  And we should be proud of what we’ve done, but don’t celebrate prematurely. And for heaven’s sake, don’t poop out before you get there! You’re on the last leg of the journey, but you’ve got to cross that finish line before your job is done.

Also included in this image is delivering (or receiving) a message, or some urgent news. Whether by computer, post, or bird–“you’ve got mail” may take on an important new meaning now.  The negative side of this symbol would be outright gossip or insensitive tweets.  This would take you away from meaningful communication and into the land of useless information. So use your compass and fly straight. Your True North is out there.


FEB 26, 2017

New Moon Solar Eclipse at 8 degrees Pisces

Sabian Symbol: “A girl blowing a bugle.”

This one kind of reminds me of the cock crowing (it is the Year of the Rooster, after all). Or, perhaps it’s the whistle blower? The bugle can be used to alert or awaken (like in the military, as in “time to rise and shine”), or for hunting purposes (yet another way to keep the fox at bay), or to send up a call.  Some of us will experience this as a call to action, and it can certainly empower us to get up and get going.  Ask yourself this: are you the one being awoken or are you awakening others? Either way, it’s a summons of some sort. Someone is sounding the call….who will answer? Spiritually and creatively, we are waking up to ourselves.  This may have to do with whatever creative projects we want to be involved with, or it may even go much deeper and reveal our true purpose to us.

The negative side of this image is meaningless noisemakers. You know who I mean—every crowd, group or gathering has at least one—people who crow just to hear the sound of their own voices. Avoid them, their message is all hot air. But ask yourself: “What exactly is my ‘wake-up’ calling me to do?”  At the end of the day, you don’t want to be all talk and no action. Energy is available to get moving, but you have to select a direction, a cause, a project, a purpose.  And, of course, it helps to get out of bed! So get going….you have people to wake and places to be.

You know, when I look at the totality of what’s been going on celestially (and that would encompass more than just the eclipses), I see that people have had a bit of a delayed reaction to starting the year.  It’s as if our year had been “called on account of rain” or something. Or perhaps, it might be more accurate to say that people have felt somewhat shell-shocked and not quite ready for what comes next! But believe me when I say that that is about to change. February’s energies will have things moving forward, perhaps at an uncomfortably fast pace at times, as we endeavor to hit the ground running and catch up to a year “already in progress.”  And there’s a lot of progress to be had now, so don’t give up!

These celestial and eclipse themes can be made even more personal by seeing where the planetary action will impact your own natal chart. And if you are even the teensiest bit puzzled by your chart, guess who would be just delighted to explain it to you?  : 0 )  And I will, too.  For hours even.  Trust me, on the subject of your chart, I have a lot to say.

Remember, yes it’s a brand new year and it requires a brand new dance, but we can all stand to learn a few new steps every now and again.  Keep on dancing and it will all work itself out just fine.


by Lady Deane


July 4th, New Moon in Cancer

12 Degrees Cancer: “A Chinese woman nursing a baby whose aura reveals him to be the reincarnation of a great teacher.”

Independence Day!!! What a wonderful day to celebrate the new moon in Cancer, which is the sign of mom, home and apple pie.  Not to mention patriotism, home-town parades, and flag waving.  So gather your family around you and enjoy the festivities.

In this Sabian Symbol we somehow sense that our “creations” (whether they are human or artistic—children of the body/children of the mind) are special and that they are the result of the continual progress of generations of special.  So, if your “baby” seems like an old soul, perhaps he/she is.  If your original creation (book, poem, sonata, invention, ice sculpture, thesis, whatever) seems like it came out of you rather than from you, perhaps you channeled the information (and perhaps generations of your family helped you).  And perhaps that is because it is time for that person/information to be born!  Sort of like: Ready or not world, here it comes!  Also, because our new creation is still in its infancy, we can safely assume that further nurturance will be required to see it through to completion (or adulthood).  We must tend and care for it, incubate and protect it, while it grows and gains strength.  And, speaking of nurturance, we will all get the chance to practice it.  Nurturing family and friends becomes a strong theme for July.  And, conversely, if you’ve been busy running yourself ragged nurturing everyone but you, then now’s the time to ask for a little bit of TLC from those you love.  Speak up, your family is listening.

From a health perspective, Cancer rules the breasts and stomach, so if your digestion seems a bit off now, simplify your diet for a few weeks and see if that doesn’t help. Also, Cancer tends to be one of the worry-wart signs, so by reducing stress you can sooth your system and head off a myriad of potential health problems.

And for those of you who are STILL keeping track of our retrograde line-up (and good on ya!), here’s where we are currently at:

Mercury: DIRECT!  Yay! 

Mars: DIRECT! Yay!

Jupiter: DIRECT! Yay! 

Saturn: Still retrograde (boo!). Take heart, it will be direct again on August 13th. Just one more month. You can do it!  Stuff we deal with when Saturn is retrograde: real estate or housing issues; bosses or authority figures; experts and expertise; fatherhood, the rules and rule makers. If you’re selling a home now, it will probably go more smoothly (and you’ll likely get a better price) if you wait until Saturn is direct.  Buyers have a leg up now, however.

Pluto: Still retrograde and won’t be traveling direct again until Sept 26th. Stuff we deal with when Pluto is retrograde: life and death; rebirth; transformation; your foundation; your career path or direction in life, and other in-depth issues.  Pluto doesn’t fool around—there’s no “chit-chat” with Pluto.  It likes to get straight to the heart of the matter.  So continue your investigation/research into important matters or behind-the-scenes activities.

So, when taken all together, I can safely say that after June’s hectic, break-neck pace, July is finally about family, togetherness, and caring. For some of us, June was brutal—not just fast-paced, but depressing, lonely, and a little scary. So, for those of you who just want to spend July in bed with the sheets pulled over your head, please don’t.  Because July is the time to surround yourself with the friends and family who mean something to you. There’s an old saying in astrology that goes “Cancer’s don’t make homes, they make wombs.”  Which just means that when they feel overwhelmed, they tend to turtle, to withdraw to their safe place in order to protect themselves.  But with this Cancer new moon, it’s time to be inclusive. Not time to hide out, but time to enjoy, to savor. You can live at a slower pace now and take in a few of those infamous lazy days of summer.  Then tell the people you love how you feel about them.  Better yet, spend some actual time with them. Because July’s new moon is a beautiful, slow waltz, in a softly lit ballroom, in your bare feets.  It’s a dance of the heart, best done at home, with the one(s) you love. 




A new moon occurs when the Sun and Moon form a conjunction in the sky, and come together in the same sign of the zodiac. This occurs approximately once per month (about every 28-29 days).

This is a time of new beginnings, and represents a special opportunity each month to begin again and get a fresh perspective on things. The power of the new moon is purely instinctual and people tend to go with their intuition.  At the dark of the new moon there is little light yet for illumination, so people must use senses other than their physical sight.  Yet this special time holds all possibilities within it, so we have the ability once a month to set a new course for ourselves.  For 2 weeks afterwards the moon will be slowly waxing or increasing in light.  Then, at the full moon, the light is once again bright and things become fully illuminated.  But before we can “see” with our eyes, we have to activate our “sight” in hopes, dreams and intuition. Set your intentions at the new moon and then chart your progress at the full moon.

The sign and the degree of each New Moon represents the theme for that 28 day period and signals a time of “resetting” our collective emotional clock.  Although, these themes also play out individually in our personal lives.  If you know your own natal chart, you can make each month’s reading even more personal by seeing where the new moon impacts your individual horoscope. And if you don’t know your chart, guess who would be just delighted to help you with that? Call me, we’ll talk. 


by Lady Deane


June 4th, New Moon in Gemini

14 Degrees Gemini: “Two people, at widely different points, are in conversation with each other by means of telepathy.”

Hmmmmm…..this reminds me a bit of the current political debate!  This imagery can indicate people who are separated by different ideologies and sometimes, quite literally, by a language barrier as well. But it can also point to those who are separated by miles; as those who live far apart may not get to communicate face-to-face as often as they would like. But perhaps they are in one another’s thoughts more than is realized.  On the other hand, people who live in close proximity to one another can still live “in separate worlds” if they come from very different cultures or socio-economic backgrounds. What this degree really shows us is that barriers—whatever they may be—can and must be overcome if we are to truly understand one another.

On an esoteric level (for you fellow magicians out there), this degree represents the very real communication that is possible through the “ethers.”  There, one can be on the same wavelength or frequency as another, even when both are far apart geographically. Have you ever sat thinking of someone (even speaking to them in your mind’s eye), and then the next day they called you, seemingly out of the blue?  You reached them in the ethers and they heard you.  There are so many fantastic ways that we can reach out and communicate these days that there is never a need to walk (or talk) alone.  And this offers an excellent reminder that when we “talk to ourselves” we aren’t, really.  Someone hears us, somewhere.  So open your minds for this new moon—being heard and understood will be the objective.  And remember to take turns listening!

From a health perspective, Gemini rules the arms and hands and has a lot to do with general flexibility, reflexes and hand-eye coordination. In addition, ones ability to think and communicate is certainly a Gemini task, as is the breath (lungs).  Any activity (or lack thereof) that favors health is favorable now.  For instance, giving up smoking, would be stellar as it would increase lung capacity. 

And for those of you who have been keeping track of our retrograde line-up, here’s where we are currently at:

Mercury: DIRECT!  Yay!  Go ahead and buy your computers, TVs, cellphones, and various other gadgets. Email, tweet and twitter your hearts out. Just don’t do it while walking or driving because Mars is still retrograding (accidents). 

Mars: Began it’s retrograde journey on April 17th and won’t be direct until June 29th.  Just a few more weeks, people. You can make it! Stuff we deal with when Mars is retrograde: unresolved anger issues; accidents in general; sports injuries (usually due to straining or overuse); rediscovering your passion in life; past loves, “loud noises” (that’s funny, cuz that’s my nickname for the Donald).

Jupiter: DIRECT! Yay!  You are now free to travel about the country.  Go on, have yourself an adventure! TSA should have a handle on those long wait times for security checks by now.

Saturn: Began it’s retrograde journey on March 25th and will not be direct again until August 13th.  OK, so just a few more months.  Hang in there. Stuff we deal with when Saturn is retrograde: real estate or housing issues; bosses or authority figures; experts and expertise; fatherhood, the rules and rule makers. If you’re selling a home now, it will probably go more smoothly (and you’ll get a better price) if you wait until Saturn is direct.

Pluto: Began it’s long retrograde phase on April 18th and won’t go direct again until Sept 26th.  Outer planets like Pluto spend roughly half the year retrograding, so this is not generally as big a deal as when the personal planets retrograde. Stuff we deal with when Pluto is retrograde: life and death; rebirth; transformation; your foundation; your career path or direction in life, and other in-depth issues.  Pluto doesn’t fool around—there’s no “chit-chat” with Pluto.  It likes to get straight to the heart of the matter.  So the game is afoot and there are important matters that need investigation.

Again, my disclaimer: retrograde planets aren’t evil and their energies are not bad (even if it feels that way sometimes when the inevitable chaos ensues).  But the energy does require a certain amount of introspection to function properly.  Retrogrades signal a period of inner work and self-governance. They represent a time when—regardless of the planet involved—“re” words are appropriate.  Think in terms of: rethink, reconsider, re-evaluate, reconnect, re-establish, rework, research, rebuild, realign, replace, repair, reimburse, refund, return, relist, renew, recover, realize, and my personal favorite: RELAX. 

So, altogether, June is about plotting a new course. 

You will have many choices to pick from now.  My advice?  Prioritize your top 5, 10, 15 items (….pick a realistic number for your current circumstances) from your “to do” list and focus on them.  You can successfully multitask now, but jeeze-louise even Loki has to nap every century or two!

So tap dance as fast as you can—the month will absolutely fly by.



A new moon occurs when the Sun and Moon form a conjunction in the sky, and come together in the same sign of the zodiac. This occurs approximately once per month (about every 28-29 days).

This is a time of new beginnings, and represents a special opportunity each month to begin again and get a fresh perspective on things. The power of the new moon is purely instinctual and people tend to go with their intuition.  At the dark of the new moon there is little light yet for illumination, so people must use senses other than their physical sight.  Yet this special time holds all possibilities within it, so we have the ability once a month to set a new course for ourselves.  For 2 weeks afterwards the moon will be slowly waxing or increasing in light.  Then, at the full moon, the light is once again bright and things become fully illuminated.  But before we can “see” with our eyes, we have to activate our “sight” in hopes, dreams and intuition. Set your intentions at the new moon and then chart your progress at the full moon.

The sign and the degree of each New Moon represents the theme for that 28 day period and signals a time of “resetting” our collective emotional clock.  Although, these themes also play out individually in our personal lives.  If you know your own natal chart, you can make each month’s reading even more personal by seeing where the new moon impacts your individual horoscope. And if you don’t know your chart, guess who would be just delighted to help you with that? Call me, we’ll talk. 


by Lady Deane


May 6th, New Moon in Taurus

16 Degrees Taurus: “An old man is attempting, with a degree of success unsuspected by him, to reveal the mysteries to a motley group.” 

There is deep inner wisdom in this degree.  And a very wise person is attempting to catch our ear.  Are we listening?  Or, perhaps you are the “wise” one yourself?  Do you have something of importance to say?  The old man in this vignette appears ordinary, and he has no idea how much his words are truly inspiring others to change, to grow, to reach for something more.  And what could be more important to impart to someone than an understanding of the mysteries of life?  Yes, there is depth available to us now.  But we have to take a moment to allow it entry.  True depth of understanding is taken in on a cellular level.  And it has the power to change us for the better from the inside out.  This information is not just for the “chosen few” either.  The motley group listening are from all walks of life, from all educational and socio-economic backgrounds.  Wisdom is being offered to one and all….for free.

From a health perspective, Taurus rules the throat and neck.  If you have had neck pain or a sore throat lately ask yourself first and foremost: “Is there something I don’t want to/am afraid to say?”  or“Have I been so inflexible that I am afraid to turn my head and see that another direction is still available to me?”  Once you figure out what you haven’t been saying, or see the possibilities you have yet to consider, then you can make some real progress.  Taurus is a very fixed earth sign and, while it’s very good energy for defending and maintaining the status quo, it’s not so good when changes have to be made.  Then it digs its heels in and refuses to budge.  This can create quite a stubborn stand-off (or a true stick-in-the-mud situation).  If this sounds like you, try not to stand in the way of forward motion.  Because the only progress you’re impeding now is your own.


In other astrological news—and gosh, there’s an awful lot of it—we now have 5 planets retrograding at the same time!  For those of you who keep track, here’s the line-up:

Mercury: Began it’s retrograde journey on April 28th and will go direct on May 22nd. What you’ll likely be dealing with if this makes a strong aspect in your natal chart: communication issues, misplaced items, networking, contracts, electronics (phones, computers, TVs), siblings.  Mercury is retrograding in Taurus the sign of the Bull—the same sign as our New Moon this month.

Now, the Bull is slow and plodding, unless of course you make him mad.  So…do I really need to say it?  Don’t wave any red flags for the next few weeks.  The Bull will charge, you’ll have to hoof it out of there fast, and no one wins. Between both Mercury and Mars being retrograde, inflammatory words just don’t work now (gee, should someone tell ‘the Donald?’) and can backfire BIGTIME.  In addition, the sign of Taurus rules the voice and how we speak, so be cautious about promises you make now because you will be counted on to keep them later.  Now more than ever, you’ll need to rethink your words; although this is a particularly good time to research something (or to rewrite your book/proposal/thesis, etc.).

Taurus also rules finances and so the next few weeks are an excellent time to balance your budget and get your financial ducks in a row.  Besides the obvious financial themes (your bank account, investments, and retirement goals), there is also a higher level theme operating now that asks you to determine what you truly do value, and to count among your valuables your own talents and abilities.  Polish them like gems now, because soon they will have a chance to shine (from about May 12th thru the end of the month is especially auspicious, thanks to a grand earth trine).  Many will begin this process by clearing out what they no longer value (or need) and releasing it.  Whether throwing it away, giving it to charity, or selling it at a garage sale—just letting go of things makes space in your life for new (and perhaps more valuable?) things to take their place.  And when you feel frantic, try repeating this age-old mantra to yourself in the mirror: “What is needed is either already at hand or soon will be.”

Mars: Began it’s retrograde journey on April 17th and will go direct on June 29th. What you’ll likely be dealing with if this makes a strong aspect in your natal chart: unresolved anger issues, rediscovering your passion in life, sports injuries (usually due to overuse or strain), past loves. Mars is retrograding back thru early Sag and late Scorpio.  This is a tough one because we’ll be asked to take responsibility for any leftover anger from the past.  Is there something (or someone) you’re still bothered by that you know you should just let go of?  Now’s the time. Mars can really hang onto some resentment in Scorpio.  But lucky for us, Mars gets a bit of help via Chiron, the healing asteroid. As Mars moves back through Scorpio it will trine Chiron—who will kiss our boo-boos and make them all better.

Jupiter: Began it’s retrograde journey on Jan 7th and will go direct on May 9th. What you’ll likely be dealing with if this makes a strong aspect in your natal chart: uncontrolled expansion issues, educational needs (updating your credentials), travel, overall health.  Jupiter is retrograding in Virgo.  Virgo asks us to adjust our diets, our health routines, and our travel plans now.  Also, if you’re looking at furthering your education, start exploring precisely which classes you’ll actually need.  Jupiter is the lifelong student and sees almost every subject as being interesting enough to study, but in Virgo we have to be a bit more specific before getting clearance to expand.

Saturn: Began it’s retrograde journey on March 25th and will go direct on August 13th.  What you’ll likely be dealing with if this makes a strong aspect in your natal chart: real estate or housing issues; bosses or authority figures, experts and expertise, fatherhood, the rules and rule makers.  Saturn is retrograding in Sagittarius.  Word to the wise?  Respect your elders and mentors now (as well as your betters). This is an excellent time to plan what type of credentials you’ll need for the next phase of your career.  IF you need to go back to school remember that they give credit for life experience.  You know, I’ve often thought it a pity that they don’t grant credit for PAST life experience.  Because some of us (and you know who you are) would have PhD’s by now!

Pluto: Began it’s long retrograde phase on April 18th and won’t go direct again until Sept 26th.  Outer planets like Pluto spend roughly half the year retrograding, so this is perhaps less noticeable than when the personal planets retrograde.  However, it does lend its energy to the overall lineup of “slowdown.”  Pluto rules over nothing less than life and death and the cycle of transformation and rebirth.  If you’re doing it right you can be transformed like the Phoenix rising from the ashes of its old life into the new.  If you get it wrong you’ll get bogged down in a whole “lotta drama” and self-induced crisis of one kind or another.  Pluto is retrograding in Capricorn.  So what’s likely being transformed now has something to do with your career and your foundation in life.  Ask yourself what achievements, yet to be realized, are still important enough to you to go all out for?  In May, Pluto will be one of the planets involved in the grand earth trine and this can actually give a boost to your goals.  But Pluto does not waste time with the superficial, so dig deep.  Because these goals better be real and you’d better really care about them.

Please note that retrograde planets aren’t evil and their energies are not bad (even if it feels that way sometimes when your computer breaks down).  But the energy does require a certain amount of introspection to function properly.  It’s not about “out there” right now, but “in there.”  People who are determined to charge ahead like bulls will smack directly into a brick wall.  Frustration will be the name of their game.  But it doesn’t have to be that way.  Count to ten. Think things through.  And, by the way, those who have some of these planets retrograde at birth often report that they actually accomplish quite a bit more during the retrograde phase.  So you retro babies will likely get more accomplished in the outer world than the rest of us.  However, retrogrades do represent a time when—regardless of the planet involved—“re” words are appropriate.  Think in terms of: rethink, reconsider, re-evaluate, reconnect, re-establish, rework, research, rebuild, realign, replace, reimburse, refund, return, receipt (which you’d better save if you hope to return something!), relist, renew, recover, realize, and my personal favorite: RELAX. 

So, taken altogether, May is about kicking it old school (and by that, I mean take it down a notch).  As the New Moon and retrograde energies combine we’ll have access to some very deep wisdom. Your life may look deceptively calm on the surface now and it may appear to others as though nothing special is going on.  But just below that surface there is a flurry of activity and you will need to pay close attention to your options this month.  Hey, it’s not like you’ll be doing nothing (that was last month).  It’s just that the something you’re doing now is likely to require some extra thought. Otherwise, you’ll just end up “redoing” it later.  And we should be contemplating change right now—but not just any change.  Those of us who have been paying attention will watch for the right change and then grab it.  Just like dancing, it’s all about the beat. And this month’s dance forgoes fancy footwork and relies instead on precise timing….quick, quick slow; and steady you’ll go.



A new moon occurs when the Sun and Moon form a conjunction in the sky, and come together in the same sign of the zodiac. This occurs approximately once per month (about every 28-29 days).

This is a time of new beginnings, and represents a special opportunity each month to begin again and get a fresh perspective on things. The power of the new moon is purely instinctual and people tend to go with their intuition.  At the dark of the new moon there is little light yet for illumination, so people must use senses other than their physical sight.  Yet this special time holds all possibilities within it, so we have the ability once a month to set a new course for ourselves.  For 2 weeks afterwards the moon will be slowly waxing or increasing in light.  Then, at the full moon, the light is once again bright and things become fully illuminated.  But before we can “see” with our eyes, we have to activate our “sight” in hopes, dreams and intuition. Set your intentions at the new moon and then chart your progress at the full moon.

The sign and the degree of each New Moon represents the theme for that 28 day period and signals a time of “resetting” our collective emotional clock.  Although, these themes also play out individually in our personal lives.  If you know your own natal chart, you can make each month’s reading even more personal by seeing where the new moon impacts your individual horoscope. And if you don’t know your chart, guess who would be just delighted to help you with that? Call me, we’ll talk. 



April 2016

by Lady Deane


April 7th, New Moon in Aries

18 Degrees Aries: “An empty hammock hangs between two lovely trees.”

Well!  Could there be a better invitation to pause and relax?  Not usually the Aries preferred modus operandi--as Aries is an active, go-go-go, pedal to the metal kind of fire sign.  Nevertheless, stopping to smell the roses (or swing on a hammock of a lazy afternoon) should be part of everyone’s wheelhouse. So this month, the “dance” we do is really more like an intermission: we’re taking a collective time-out from the dance to catch our breath.

Now, this doesn’t mean we’ll be doing nothing.  Far from it! Sometimes our best inspiration comes from our downtime activities. The “two lovely trees” in this Sabian symbol, speaks of getting out and about in nature: take a walk on the beach, garden, get your hands dirty.  This degree is all about getting back in touch with whatever conjures up images of “safe” and “relaxing” to you.  For many it will involve nature, however the important part is to create time for relaxation and woolgathering, in whatever way works for you.  Because this is what recharges your battery.  Have a heavy problem on your mind?  Stop trying to solve it for five minutes and do something (or nothing at all) that makes you just breathe deep and smile. It may surprise you how effective taking a breather can be in solving your problems.  Besides, problems always loom so much larger in our minds when we allow ourselves to become worn out. Refreshing your body will give you a whole new perspective on life.

Other themes included in this degree are: planning for retirement, planning vacation or time off, taking time out to recall pleasant memories from the past, thinking fondly of someone from the past (or someone you’re missing), rediscovering past pleasures, and enjoying the simple pleasures in life.  If you are planning to redecorate during the next month, purchasing items where one relaxes are favorable now including: beds and bedding (sheets, linens, etc); easy chairs/recliners (or recovering/repairing favorite old chairs); couches and outdoor furniture (yes, including hammocks). Purchases definitely need to be selected more for comfort now and less for looks. So buy that squishy down pillow! Your fat little head will thank you for it.

From a health perspective, this degree is tricky.  If you’ve been overdoing it or just have a massive (read: “impractical/impossible”) to-do list and things have been weighing heavily on your mind, you can expect sleep disruption now. It’s because your mind will not shut down long enough to allow your body the rest it needs. You may have to unplug the phone and ignore the email for awhile til you can reconnect with what brings you real pleasure.  You may need to detach to gain some perspective. From a psychological standpoint, this degree is sometimes associated with fears—of not being/doing enough, of abandonment, of failure or under-achievement (because you are afraid your achievements are all there is to you). If any of these themes come up for you now, take some time to really examine where the fear is coming from. For example, do you really believe that no one would love you/stand by you if you did a little less for everyone else?  Do you really have to spend every waking moment on-the-go to feel a sense of self-worth?  Do you not deserve some down time yourself? (and, tell the truth, would you not just love a fat, squishy pillow?). 

In other astrological news, Mars will be retrograding this year from April 17th through June 29th.  Physically, Mars (ruler of Aries, the sign of the new moon this month) is usually the one in charge of building muscle and keeping us mobile and on the go.  But Mars has already begun the normal slow down period that precedes his retrograde phase. So, this is generally considered a poor time to over do it at the gym.  Stretching, increasing flexibility and improving balance are favored now—basically anything that increases strength slowly over time (strength training, yoga, tai chi, etc) is good and will produce favorable results.  But fast paced, high impact, workouts are not favorable during this retrograde and can actually do more harm than good now.  So be gentle with yourself physically and don’t push yourself.  On a personal level, Mars retrogrades can get us in touch with any unresolved anger issues still lingering around our psyche.  And we can purge them with an emotional “house cleaning” of sorts that will improve our health and our mood.  This is also a good time to get your hearing checked.

So there you have it—April is about kicking back a bit, turning down the “noise” (figuratively and literally) in our heads, and getting back in touch with the natural world.  We are tilling our own soil now and planting our own heirloom seeds. Out of this garden renewed passions will once again flourish.  Dance next month, this month: rest your feets.



A new moon occurs when the Sun and Moon form a conjunction in the sky, and come together in the same sign of the zodiac. This occurs approximately once per month (about every 28-29 days).

This is a time of new beginnings, and represents a special opportunity each month to begin again and get a fresh perspective on things. The power of the new moon is purely instinctual and people tend to go with their intuition.  At the dark of the new moon there is little light yet for illumination, so people must use senses other than their sight.  Yet this special time holds all possibilities within it, so we have the ability once a month to set a new course for ourselves.  For 2 weeks afterwards the moon will be slowly waxing or increasing in light.  Then, at the full moon, the light is once again bright and things become fully illuminated.  But before we can “see” with our eyes, we have to activate our “sight” in hopes and dreams. Set your intentions at the new moon and then chart your progress at the full moon.

The sign and the degree of each New Moon represents the theme for that 28 day period and signals a time of “resetting” our collective emotional clock.  Although, these themes also play out individually in our personal lives.  If you know your own natal chart, you can make each month’s reading even more personal by seeing where the new moon impacts your individual horoscope. And if you don’t know your chart, guess who would be just delighted to help you with that? Call me, we’ll talk. 


by Lady Deane


March 8th, New Moon in Pisces

18 Degrees Pisces: “In a huge tent a famous revivalist conducts his meeting with a spectacular performance.”

This degree is about spreading your message, speaking your truth, and getting the word out to the regular “folks.”  Cue the folk music, as we all get ready for a lively Tarantella.  I see this as one of those “either/or” scenarios.  Either we reach out with a sincere desire to spread good news and offer a message of hope in a world grown increasingly dark; or we focus on overblown egos and personal gain.  It’s a choice. Unfortunately now, for those who choose to sell snake oil or focus on ego, there is a real danger of whipping the crowd up into a frenzy.  Everyday people (who would otherwise tend to be less of a mob) may then be easily manipulated by those in charge.

But EQUALLY inherent in this degree of Pisces, is the real possibility of getting out of our own way for a time and allowing Spirit to speak through us.  And this is a “spectacular performance” because Spirit has a lot to say and often touches people deeply.  It can genuinely move people to hear Spirit messages.  It has the affect of waking you up and changing your heart in ways that have to be experienced or felt to be truly understood.  This is a call to the dance you were born to dance.  The one, unique rhythm that only you hear and respond to.  So, polish up your shoes and get ready.  You are about to take center stage.

The “huge tent” in this psychic vignette implies a large venue or audience (as opposed to a more intimate get-together) that has gathered specifically for this information.  This could be anything from a large town hall meeting to an internet seminar. So, for those light workers reading this, take note: this is a time when you can reach many more people with your message. Whatever your venue: now’s the time to get out there and be heard. 

From a health perspective, this degree is associated with vivid dreams, colorful visions, and sometimes disruptions to your sleep cycle.  Be careful if you take any type of sleep aid or pain killers now. This includes prescriptions as well as over-the-counter remedies. Don’t overdo them. Or, you can avoid using them altogether by simply taking some common sense measures. Remove the electronics from your bedroom—they interfere with sleep cycles.  Allow yourself some down time before bed to prepare yourself for a good night’s rest and allow yourself to relax naturally. Pisces loves to meditate, so that should be quite effective now. And of course, Pisces is always present when drugs or alcohol are in use.  Overindulging, partying too hardy, etc., is a danger now.  Use moderation and caution.

Last but certainly not least—this new moon carries a bit more punch than others because it is also a Total Solar Eclipse.  This is a very strong eclipse whose primary purpose appears to be to awaken consciousness.  Pisces is the perfect sign in which to experience a spiritual rebirth in some area of your life, because it represents compassion and divine love.  Depending on where 18 degrees of Pisces hits your natal chart, you could have a revelation of some kind with respect to your career path, your marriage, your friends, etc.  In order to tap into the higher energies of Pisces try to funnel your energies into a higher calling, a vision, and some divine creativity.  Otherwise, the downside of Pisces may envelope you in a dense fog; promoting a period of substance abuse, psychic confusion, or a dark night of the soul.  The key is to direct the energies present into a positive outlet.  What it comes down to is this: Your Higher Self is on the line—take the call.



A new moon occurs when the Sun and Moon form a conjunction in the sky, and come together in the same sign of the zodiac. This occurs approximately once per month (about every 28-29 days).

This is a time of new beginnings, and represents a special opportunity each month to begin again and get a fresh perspective on things. The power of the new moon is purely instinctual and people tend to go with their intuition.  At the dark of the new moon there is little light yet for illumination, so people must use senses other than their sight.  Yet this special time holds all possibilities within it, so we have the ability once a month to set a new course for ourselves.  For 2 weeks afterwards the moon will be slowly waxing or increasing in light.  Then, at the full moon, the light is once again bright and things become fully illuminated.  But before we can “see” with our eyes, we have to activate our “sight” in hopes and dreams. Set your intentions at the new moon and then chart your progress at the full moon.

The sign and the degree of each New Moon represents the theme for that 28 day period and signals a time of “resetting” our collective emotional clock.  Although, these themes also play out individually in our personal lives.  If you know your own natal chart, you can make each month’s reading even more personal by seeing where the new moon impacts your individual horoscope. And if you don’t know your chart, guess who would be just delighted to help you with that? Call me, we’ll talk.