by Lady Deane
July 4th, New Moon in Cancer
12 Degrees Cancer: “A Chinese woman nursing a baby whose aura reveals him to be the reincarnation of a great teacher.”
Independence Day!!! What a wonderful day to celebrate the new moon in Cancer, which is the sign of mom, home and apple pie. Not to mention patriotism, home-town parades, and flag waving. So gather your family around you and enjoy the festivities.
In this Sabian Symbol we somehow sense that our “creations” (whether they are human or artistic—children of the body/children of the mind) are special and that they are the result of the continual progress of generations of special. So, if your “baby” seems like an old soul, perhaps he/she is. If your original creation (book, poem, sonata, invention, ice sculpture, thesis, whatever) seems like it came out of you rather than from you, perhaps you channeled the information (and perhaps generations of your family helped you). And perhaps that is because it is time for that person/information to be born! Sort of like: Ready or not world, here it comes! Also, because our new creation is still in its infancy, we can safely assume that further nurturance will be required to see it through to completion (or adulthood). We must tend and care for it, incubate and protect it, while it grows and gains strength. And, speaking of nurturance, we will all get the chance to practice it. Nurturing family and friends becomes a strong theme for July. And, conversely, if you’ve been busy running yourself ragged nurturing everyone but you, then now’s the time to ask for a little bit of TLC from those you love. Speak up, your family is listening.
From a health perspective, Cancer rules the breasts and stomach, so if your digestion seems a bit off now, simplify your diet for a few weeks and see if that doesn’t help. Also, Cancer tends to be one of the worry-wart signs, so by reducing stress you can sooth your system and head off a myriad of potential health problems.
And for those of you who are STILL keeping track of our retrograde line-up (and good on ya!), here’s where we are currently at:
Mercury: DIRECT! Yay!
Mars: DIRECT! Yay!
Jupiter: DIRECT! Yay!
Saturn: Still retrograde (boo!). Take heart, it will be direct again on August 13th. Just one more month. You can do it! Stuff we deal with when Saturn is retrograde: real estate or housing issues; bosses or authority figures; experts and expertise; fatherhood, the rules and rule makers. If you’re selling a home now, it will probably go more smoothly (and you’ll likely get a better price) if you wait until Saturn is direct. Buyers have a leg up now, however.
Pluto: Still retrograde and won’t be traveling direct again until Sept 26th. Stuff we deal with when Pluto is retrograde: life and death; rebirth; transformation; your foundation; your career path or direction in life, and other in-depth issues. Pluto doesn’t fool around—there’s no “chit-chat” with Pluto. It likes to get straight to the heart of the matter. So continue your investigation/research into important matters or behind-the-scenes activities.
So, when taken all together, I can safely say that after June’s hectic, break-neck pace, July is finally about family, togetherness, and caring. For some of us, June was brutal—not just fast-paced, but depressing, lonely, and a little scary. So, for those of you who just want to spend July in bed with the sheets pulled over your head, please don’t. Because July is the time to surround yourself with the friends and family who mean something to you. There’s an old saying in astrology that goes “Cancer’s don’t make homes, they make wombs.” Which just means that when they feel overwhelmed, they tend to turtle, to withdraw to their safe place in order to protect themselves. But with this Cancer new moon, it’s time to be inclusive. Not time to hide out, but time to enjoy, to savor. You can live at a slower pace now and take in a few of those infamous lazy days of summer. Then tell the people you love how you feel about them. Better yet, spend some actual time with them. Because July’s new moon is a beautiful, slow waltz, in a softly lit ballroom, in your bare feets. It’s a dance of the heart, best done at home, with the one(s) you love.
A new moon occurs when the Sun and Moon form a conjunction in the sky, and come together in the same sign of the zodiac. This occurs approximately once per month (about every 28-29 days).
This is a time of new beginnings, and represents a special opportunity each month to begin again and get a fresh perspective on things. The power of the new moon is purely instinctual and people tend to go with their intuition. At the dark of the new moon there is little light yet for illumination, so people must use senses other than their physical sight. Yet this special time holds all possibilities within it, so we have the ability once a month to set a new course for ourselves. For 2 weeks afterwards the moon will be slowly waxing or increasing in light. Then, at the full moon, the light is once again bright and things become fully illuminated. But before we can “see” with our eyes, we have to activate our “sight” in hopes, dreams and intuition. Set your intentions at the new moon and then chart your progress at the full moon.
The sign and the degree of each New Moon represents the theme for that 28 day period and signals a time of “resetting” our collective emotional clock. Although, these themes also play out individually in our personal lives. If you know your own natal chart, you can make each month’s reading even more personal by seeing where the new moon impacts your individual horoscope. And if you don’t know your chart, guess who would be just delighted to help you with that? Call me, we’ll talk.