Office hours are generally Monday thru Saturday, 9 am to 5 pm, EST.
Closed on Sundays.
Your emails will be returned as quickly as possible. If the office is to be closed for an extended period I will post a notice.
Our Cosmic Dance
New London, CT 06320
United States
Mon – Sat, 9:00am-5:00pm, EST, Closed Sunday
E: deane@ourcosmicdance.com
Deane Driscoll is a professional astrologer, teacher and writer with over 45 years of experience and holds elder clergy credentials as Lady Deane with CoG (Covenant of the Goddess).
All readings may be recorded; please request a recording at the time of your reading (mp3 file). Live recordings are not guaranteed however as equipment problems have occasionally been known to happen, and you are encouraged to take notes.
All readings are prepaid. There is no extra charge for recordings.