Venus Retrograde Conjunct Pluto? It's Complicated

by Lady Deane

Why? Because Venus rules both relationships and finances and right now she's doing a rather strange dance in territory she's not exactly comfortable with. She's in Capricorn (Saturn's sign) and will be for rather a longer time than she's used to. She entered Capricorn around November 6th 2021 and will remain in Capricorn until March 6th 2022. Also she began her retrograde phase on Dec 19th. Add to this the fact that she will also be dancing with Pluto (like she didn't already have her hands full enough!), and it's a head-on, whose in charge now, tango. Power, control, addictions, sex (just for starters)...this has all the elements of a great murder mystery! Or at least a Lifetime Movie. Venus has spent all of December within orb of a conjunction to Pluto and will continue this difficult but fascinating tango thru the first week of January, 2022. Happy New Year.

AND...The Venus retrograde period (Dec 19th 2021 thru Jan 28th 2022) has sort of kicked off another temporary shut-down, as the pandemic reminds us it hasn't yet been defeated. But that's really just the surface stuff. Venus slowing down and conjuncting Pluto goes MUCH deeper than a pandemic. Relationships and finances are the primary areas of life (though not the only ones) in which you can expect some...a-hem... “complications” to occur. You will definitely be doing a deep dive into your relationships now and deciding what you will and won't put up with, what does and does not work for you, who is part of your future (who should be part of your past), etc. Put your whole heart into it, too. These are important revelations. Of course at the same time, let us not forget that others will also be evaluating you.

Think of it as having a chance to see how your behavior affects others. Then take heed of it. You know, try to do better. Conversely, if you've been the victim of someone who acts like other people are mere pawns in their game...well, perhaps now you'll have a chance to start your own show, as the STAR (because no one should be a bit-player in their own lives). Oh and DO try and stay out of cults now (of course the real trick with cults is to recognize when you're actually in one). Like I said. Complications.

Normally Venus physically represents comfort and joy. But Venus retrograde is notorious for making people aware of just how uncomfortable their lives have become. For some, this will quite literally mean creating more comfort in their homes. Don't sleep well? Perhaps that ancient bed (that feels more like bedrock) needs replacing now. Does your home have all the warmth of a prison cell? Perhaps new colors, artwork and some throw pillows will help increase the cozy feel and decrease the sad and hopeless vibe.

Financially, this is the time for savings...or at least deferred spending. If you've been saving up for awhile for something you really have needed, then YES, this is a favorable time to make that investment. But that is only true if you've done the research. So spending is OK in specific areas, especially if it involves 1) making your home more comfortable, 2) making life more bearable, or 3) starting over in a big way...such as finding a new career path, choosing a new lifestyle, etc. The whole Venus/Pluto dance is really about freeing you from whatever is holding you love, in your career, in life. And all the retrograde process does to that is to encourage you to really get in touch with your own heart and to know at a very deep level what does and does not make you happy. It forces you INWARD instead of outward. So you can't blame others any more for your unhappiness. Because your choices belong to... guess who?

So what's the good news? Well, as I look ahead to April skies I see everything opening up again. Not all at once perhaps, but the clouds begin to clear and people start to find their way out (of the house, the dark, the basement) again. And for a few of you, those who have major hits to their natal charts from the Venus/Pluto conjunction, there is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to make SIGNIFICANT changes to your lifepath (new career, new home, new lifestyle...deep and permanent changes). For most, there is a light at the end of the tunnel, so please don't give up. I think our setbacks are truly temporary and that we can make 2022 a year of amazing progress. Yes, we'll have to do the work and the first few months of the new year may seem slow initially. But by April things pick up speed and for those ready to work for it, a new, better and happier life awaits.

For those of you who like me to “bottom-line” it, here are some Do's and Don't's which will be in effect basically from December, 2021 thru March of 2022:


DO whisper

DO remember to be polite (manners still count)

DO make a new budget/save/repay debts

DO refinance

DO repair your credit

DO revamp, reuse, re-purpose things

DO spend on things really needed, things that will improve your life in some important way

DO reconnect with family and friends

DO date, socialize, get to know people

DO release (addictions, things, jobs, people)

DO decide how you'd like to be treated

DO decide what you still value

DO reinvent your life and/or career path

DO forgive


DON'T shout, Don't push. No one is listening and others can push back!

DON'T be intrusive

DON'T invade other people's space (not everyone wants to share your music or your cell phone conversations)

DON'T start a cold war, it won't end well

DON'T overspend

DON'T overpay

DON'T buy things you don't need (or that won't fix the problem)

DON'T Marry! (although dating/socializing is OK)

DON'T cheat (you'll be found out)

DON'T ghost, Don't gaslight (again, people will see thru you)

DON'T be passive-aggressive (YOU know who you are—knock it off)

DON'T break the rules

DON'T create unnecessary relationship drama (or at least make it purposeful)

DON'T give up on one another!

Oh, and did I mention that February 1st begins the Chinese New Year of the Water Tiger??? Yup. Those who will do best in 2022 are those who can work fiercely, FEARLESSLY (and sometimes independently) towards their goals. Remember, any progress counts now. And it beats standing still.

One last “Don't”... DON'T GIVE UP!!!