The New Moon Ballroom: February, 2016

by Lady Deane


February 8th, New Moon in Aquarius

19 Degrees Aquarius: “A Forest Fire Finally Quenched.”

Is it wrong, do you think, that the first image that came to my mind while pondering this particular degree was a Calendar of Male Fire Fighters?  Ladies?  Who’s with me?  OK, fine, then. I’ll just go back to talking astrology (party poopers).

Sounds like a Rain Dance to me. Well, we’ve all heard the expression “where there’s smoke, there’s fire” and now this may be true on many levels.  In addition to increased sexual attraction (and/or plain old tension) between people, there is also the element of fanning a spark into a flame.  Igniting your passions and desires for what you do in life, and reviving goals you may have previously thought long dead are favored at this time. You may be “all fired up” with excitement for a specific idea. And you may surprise yourself by making quick work of a project that you initially thought would take much longer to finish.

An image of burning the fields comes to my mind now also, as in clearing out last year’s crop to make way for this year’s. Our goals may benefit from a new vision and a clean slate. Fire consumes much in its wake, but on the plus side it renews the soil and it does leave a blank canvass for us to fill. There is also great hope in the notion that the fire has been “quenched” or put out.  So, after much struggle you may end up feeling victorious that your efforts to “put out fires,” either at work or in your personal life, were successful.  On the negative side, some of you may feel just plain exhausted or “burnt out” now after a prolonged battle against the flames.  If your health has been failing, that is one sure sign to rest up and renew your energy. Or ask yourself if exhaustion has left you vulnerable to opportunistic illnesses.

Of course, it’s always possible to have a literal expression for these degrees as well. We may hear of actual fires occurring this month in many different forms. Fire prevention efforts and fire safety education may be prominent in the news or important to your local community in some way.

February’s new moon has the additional complication of the conjunction between Venus and Pluto in Capricorn; which occurred just a few days prior to the new moon, but is still within orb now. This turns an interesting Rain Dance into a smoldering Tango. And it will have people thinking deeply about the very nature of love, bringing with it elements of walking through fire.  This is symbolized in mythology by Innana’s (Venus) journey to see her sister (the Queen of Hades) and her descent into the underworld (Pluto), where her “shadow” side or false self had to die before she could be reborn anew.  What parts of yourself do you need to release now?  And just who would you walk through fire for?  Many of us are going through the process now of purifying the very notion of what we perceive love to be.  Very deep stuff. Pluto burns away all that is not love from Venus and leaves only the truth.  The result is a pure and powerful love—perhaps even a higher expression of love than we have known before—both personal and universal.

And, finally, this new moon is extra special because it is also the start of the Chinese New Year.  The Chinese celebrate their new year on the 2nd new moon after the Winter Solstice—which this year happens to fall on February 8th.  And each new year is ruled by an animal totem from the Chinese Zodiac.  The year 2016 is ruled by the Red Fire Monkey, which brings a lot of excitement and high energy into our lives. Red Fire Monkey years are ones that call us to action. In February we begin to pick up the pace and get very busy.  They say that during the Year of the Monkey we get a lot done. And while the Monkey is well known for being energetic, he is also a clever fellow—witty, sociable and even a trickster at times.  As with the agile, fast-moving monkey, many of us will be honing our multi-tasking skills as we accomplish more and more of our goals.

Whatever the month brings you, remember to keep on dancing.  See you next month! 



A new moon occurs when the Sun and Moon form a conjunction in the sky, and come together in the same sign of the zodiac. This occurs approximately once per month (about every 28-29 days).

This is a time of new beginnings, and represents a special opportunity each month to begin again and get a fresh perspective on things. The power of the new moon is purely instinctual and people tend to go with their intuition.  At the dark of the new moon there is little light yet for illumination, so people must use senses other than their sight.  Yet this special time holds all possibilities within it, so we have the ability once a month to set a new course for ourselves.  For 2 weeks afterwards the moon will be slowly waxing or increasing in light.  Then, at the full moon, the light is once again bright and things become fully illuminated.  But before we can “see” with our eyes, we have to activate our “sight” in hopes and dreams. Set your intentions at the new moon and then chart your progress at the full moon.

The sign and the degree of each New Moon represents the theme for that 28 day period and signals a time of “resetting” our collective emotional clock.  Although, these themes also play out individually in our personal lives.  If you know your own natal chart, you can make each month’s reading even more personal by seeing where the new moon impacts your individual horoscope. And if you don’t know your chart, guess who would be just delighted to help you with that? Call me, we’ll talk. 


by Lady Deane


January 9th, New Moon in Capricorn

19 Degrees Capricorn: “A child of about five carrying a huge shopping bag filled with groceries.”

On the surface this indicates the need for people to act maturely and take on adult responsibilities. But at a deeper level, this degree is all about people feeling like they may have gotten themselves in over their heads a bit, or having to deal with something that’s outside of their wheelhouse, beyond their pay grade. It also means that people (both men and women) are having to “man-up” in some important way, or to carry a load that may be too heavy for others to carry. It can, at times, leave us feeling a bit weighted down by responsibilities.  But I also see several potential positives here.

Perhaps it is time to stretch yourself, to reach beyond where you have been. Oftentimes when we are trying something new, for the first time, it can feel like we will never be able to learn it or accomplish the goal.  A complex new dance step can seem like an impossible task. However, with time and patience (thank you Saturn) we often learn that we are indeed capable of much more than we gave ourselves credit for. And what once seemed like an impossible dance at first, can become second nature with practice. Also, sometimes when people expect more of us, they actually bring out the best in us as we strive to meet higher expectations. And many of us will surprise ourselves now, with a newfound and well-deserved boost in confidence in our growing abilities.

Of course, some will learn another kind of lesson. For a few of us, this time will represent the dance we no longer want to do. And we will begin to see which responsibilities have grown too heavy to carry. Those are the bags we should put down now.

I guess the real lesson of this new moon depends on what type of grownup you have become. If you are one of those people who never, ever stops to notice the roses let alone smell them, your work, work, work mentality will be brought to your attention so that you can correct it and rebalance your life. We all know those “too busy all the time” people; the ones whose lives are running them.  The busy-ness is often just a symptom of a deeper problem.  Perhaps they are afraid that if they stopped long enough to really think about things, they might realize how unhappy they have become.  And then they’d have to do something about it.  For those people, rebalancing is in order and this can be accomplished in several ways: resting, going within, adding in a little playtime—these are some of the more obvious methods.  Because for these work-a-holics, a slow-down period is in order. 

But perhaps you are not exactly out of balance. Perhaps you just need to change up your existing responsibilities, to switch things out, or even to delegate when appropriate.  These people will be tweaking their adult lives. Remember, we are all responsible to ourselves, not just to those we care for.  We alone can determine if we’re walking the path we’re meant to walk and carrying the right sack of groceries.  

And lastly, if you are one of those lucky ones who are in exactly the right place—walking your path faithfully each day, but have not yet felt like you’re been able to reach your peak performance level—then you’re about to be given opportunities to try.  Are you up for the challenge? Because you are the ones who will push yourselves to greater accomplishment now.  Who knows how far you might go?  You might even pull a rabbit out of a hat. 

From a health perspective, this degree is associated with joint problems and also with “over-loading” in general. So, take precautions to prevent back or shoulder injury. And don’t overdo it with the shoveling the snow and all that.  Or at least take the time to warm up before you exercise. Injuries are certainly one way to force yourself to “put the bag down” but there are easier ways. Let’s all work on finding the right ones for us.


There is a lot more going on this month other than the new moon—for starters Mercury and Jupiter will both be retrograde. For more information about what other dance is going on in the sky above your heads, please see my “Winter Wellspring” article in the online Inner Tapestry Journal.



A new moon occurs when the Sun and Moon form a conjunction in the sky, and come together in the same sign of the zodiac. This occurs approximately once per month (about every 28-29 days).

This is a time of new beginnings, and represents a special opportunity each month to begin again and get a fresh perspective on things. The power of the new moon is purely instinctual and people tend to go with their intuition.  At the dark of the new moon there is little light yet for illumination, so people must use senses other than their sight.  Yet this special time holds all possibilities within it, so we have the ability once a month to set a new course for ourselves.  For 2 weeks afterwards the moon will be slowly waxing or increasing in light.  Then, at the full moon, the light is once again bright and things become fully illuminated.  But before we can “see” with our eyes, we have to activate our “sight” in hopes and dreams. Set your intentions at the new moon and then chart your progress at the full moon.

The sign and the degree of each New Moon represents the theme for that 28 day period and signals a time of “resetting” our collective emotional clock.  Although, these themes also play out individually in our personal lives.  If you know your own natal chart, you can make each month’s reading even more personal by seeing where the new moon impacts your individual horoscope. And if you don’t know your chart, guess who would be just delighted to help you with that? Call me, we’ll talk. 

A Psychic Does Astrology

by Lady Deane

Anyone else out there have a problem calling astrology a science?   No?  Right. I know, just me again.  The story of my life.  Just once I’d like to preach to the choir.  Sure, you don’t get many converts that way but the heartfelt applause sure is good for the ego.

OK, so here’s the thing: I sit around and listen to some of my esteemed astrologer pals talk about how great it will be when, one fine day, astrology gains mainstream acceptance from the scientific community.  And they talk about this, by the way, as though science were some sort of restricted country club that they either can’t afford or wouldn’t have the wardrobe for if they could afford it.  And thinking about that kind of scares me, to tell you the truth.  Being snubbed by elitist scientists is one thing, being snubbed by elitist scientific astrologers would be absolutely unbearable.  Now, science is great and all, don’t get me wrong.  This is NOT about science bashing.  Where would we be today without the theory of relativity, gravity, and rural electrification (you know, the fact that every town across the country has access to electricity)?  Well, we wouldn’t get too far is my guess.  At the very least, I think that if we went back to candlelight we would all have some amount of difficulty plugging in our computers. So, while I deeply respect the Amish, I think most of the rest of us would safely agree that science can be a wonderful thing. 

However, having said that, let me also say that the problem with acceptance is that I don’t hear people talk much about what would happen after that.  Astrologers appear to be so preoccupied with being “good enough” to get a foot in the door that I don’t think we’ve considered that it might not be the door for us.  It’s a long hall and there are other doors out there. Maybe instead of trying to prove we’re as good (valid?) as scientists, maybe what we should consider is that astrology is simply more than science. Maybe we just need a bigger paradigm.  It seems to me that the principal aim of science is to understand the physical world by measuring and quantifying data.  Well, how would that work with astrology, exactly?  The current scientific paradigm cannot begin to quantify beauty, for instance.  Nor can it measure spirituality, or the ultimate sense of destiny contained within even a single natal chart.  But that's exactly what we’re made of!  Each individual nativity holds a potential only possible through that one, very specific and unique combination.  And no matter how many hundreds of charts we analyze and categorize patterns in, we will never ever see the same exact individual repeat. Astrology, for the most part, seeks to know that which is immeasurable; unquantifiable.  And how would science view that?  Anomalous phenomena? Extraneous data?  Would they simply eliminate chart data that occurred outside the expected sphere of influence? Your guess is as good as mine. 

Astrology reveals the essence of things that might be missed altogether if we were to force it inside the limiting confines of the current scientific paradigm.  I’m not saying that mainstream acceptance of astrology by any group would be a bad thing.  Only that we ought to consider the price tag before we buy.  Cost, it seems, is everything.  We should ask ourselves if we, as astrologers, can afford the constraints that acceptance would require (or, as Robin Williams so aptly put it in Aladdin, when discussing the tradeoff for being a Genie: “PHENOMENAL COSMIC POWER!....itty-bitty living space”).

Maybe the truth is just simpler than I suspect.  Maybe, it’s just that I don’t belong in today’s computer age of astrology where all that glitters is called technique and where, sometimes, technique is all there is.  Do I hate computers?  No, I don’t.  Hey, I dislike doing the math just as much as the next guy so computer research certainly has its place.  No, there’s nothing wrong with data, even copious amounts of it.  After all, with or without acceptance into the scientific community, astrology has come full steam into the computer age.  But people are not closed systems.  People are more than the sum of their parts.  The thing that’s so “off” about coolly and clinically analyzing a chart’s data in some sterile lab-like environment is that analysis alone will never give you an understanding of the miraculous and complex synthesis of a single human being.  The same way that studying the theory of organized religion will never tell you what it feels like to live by deeply-held spiritual beliefs.  Facts and data do not--cannot--replace true understanding.  You can know all the facts and data about a thing without ever knowing its true essence.  And therein lies the think that facts and data are the true essence. 

How many of us as fledgling astrologers made the mistake of emphasizing that one spectacular planet or flashy aspect in a chart at the expense of other, seemingly lesser elements, only to find that in the final analysis it was that discounted yod that really expressed the energy of that chart?  Data alone gets you just so far.  The rest of the way you have to travel on faith. 

Now admittedly, I was a psychic long before I was an astrologer.  My grandmother had me reading plant and animal auras by the time I could speak, so it is possible that all this is nothing more than sour grapes on my part.  And I freely admit that operating as a “closet intuitive” in a scientific world has made me feel more than a little isolated at times.  Also, I have virtually no Virgo to speak of.  I think there may even be a 12-step group somewhere (“Virgos Anonymous”) for the detail-challenged like me. 

But you know, every now and then, I’ll be with a client wondering if I should have gotten that nursing degree or something, like my parents wanted, but determined to do my best anyway.  And suddenly I’ll say something just off-the-wall, out in left field, about their chart on sheer impulse.  And it will be like a light bulb went off over their heads. They’ll look at me with a look I can only describe as a kind of reverent awe.  And I’ll know that something I said felt so right it touched them. That somehow (despite my lack of Virgo) I was able to put into words some core essence that even they can’t define about themselves.  And then it’s just me and the client.  I reach them. We connect.  And with that simple leap of faith we go where no data could have possibly taken us.  Healing Happens (is that a bumper sticker yet?).  Anyway, that’s when I start to think that someday in the future there may just be room for non-scientific astrologers like me after all. 

I will concede that in a limitless universe anything is possible. And while astrology continues to grow and develop, so (hopefully) will science.  Who knows.  Hope does spring eternal.  One day maybe they’ll even be big enough for us!


Doesn't Nursing look like fun, though?  What was I thinking becoming an Astrologer!

(my mom is the 2nd from the left)


by Lady Deane

A new moon occurs when the Sun and Moon form a conjunction in the sky, and come together in the same sign of the zodiac. This occurs approximately once per month (about every 28-29 days).

This is a time of new beginnings, and represents a special opportunity each month to begin again and get a fresh perspective on things. The power of the new moon is purely instinctual and people tend to go with their intuition.  At the dark of the new moon there is little light yet for illumination, so people must use senses other than their sight.  Yet this special time holds all possibilities within it, so we have the ability once a month to set a new course for ourselves.  For 2 weeks afterwards the moon will be slowly waxing or increasing in light.  Then, at the full moon, the light is once again bright and things become fully illuminated.  But before we can “see” with our eyes, we have to activate our “sight” in hopes and dreams. Set your intentions at the new moon and then chart your progress at the full moon.

The sign and the degree of each New Moon represents the theme for that 28 day period and signals a time of “resetting” our collective emotional clock.  Although, these themes also play out individually in our personal lives.  If you know your own natal chart, you can make each month’s reading even more personal by seeing where the new moon impacts your individual horoscope. And if you don’t know your chart, guess who would be just delighted to help you with that?

December 11th, New Moon in Sagittarius

19 Degrees Sagittarius: “Pelicans disturbed by the garbage of people move their young to a new habitat.”

Well, of course the obvious image here is cleaning up our homes. Our larger environment (the earth) can also use some cleansing energy as well. But the overall energy for this month’s dance is really more like an out of control rave. To say that people are feeling a bit unsafe these days would be an understatement (as the recent rise in gun sales proves).  And yet, life must go on, parents must continue to raise and protect their children without teaching them to live in fear.  Naturally, we all need to be aware of our surroundings and to make sure we have safe environments in which to live. So, to that end, it’s also certainly possible that some of us may be planning (or talking about) relocation now.  Sag is generally an upbeat sign, but it is a fire sign.  Fire likes to act, to move, to DO something other than just talk about the problem. So if your only (or best) solution is to move now—in other words, if it’s not your “garbage” and you can’t fix the problem—you may just pick up and move to try and get away from the problem.  In extreme form of course this can indicate even more refugees hitting the road to a (hopefully) better and safer future.

But before you load up the moving van, keep in mind that our “garbage” can be more than just refuse, physical obstacles, or other dangers. Our garbage may also include our fears, our attitudes, and our prejudices.  So, it’s not just our homes or neighborhoods that might be toxic now. There is a deep and pervasive soul sickness that has colored our world and which desperately needs each and every one of us to participate in its healing.  Individually, we can help by cleaning out mentally damaging images or emotionally negative thought patterns. I think this is especially appropriate to address at the holidays—because this is usually a time for “good will to all” not to mention family get-togethers.

This new moon’s energies are further complicated by other important aspect patterns now.  Uranus (sudden disruption) is opposing Mars (anger) and they are both t-squaring Pluto (fear, violence) at the moment.  This is a tough one, no question.  Does it seem like bullies are just coming out of every back alley and dark hidey-hole in every town everywhere??? Politically, this can be very unpredictable energy.  In our personal lives, these difficult energies can have us jumping the gun, over-reacting, and collectively creating a chain reaction of negative emotion. We are quick to anger (or panic) now and this t-square can ramp up already volatile energies and cause some real problems.  Luckily there is one positive note to this aspect: the new moon itself is trining Uranus and sextiling Mars.  This can mean that cooler heads may yet prevail and shine their light so that wiser policies may be implemented to help us cope more peacefully (and intelligently) with a rapidly changing world.

I know that I usually try to keep things light in this column, and I always try to emphasize the positive.  But I also have an obligation to my readers to tell it like it is.  And the truth this month is that this new moon is challenging us to be better people. To rise above the panic, the fear, the prejudice and the hatred.  And to stand up for peace and tolerance and decent treatment for all human beings, regardless of religious beliefs. And, while we’re at it, let’s turn a deaf ear to politicians who would use hate speech to incite us to violence (my own “Christmas Miracle” dream involves Mr. Trump going back to his TV show and leaving politics to the candidates with some actual experience). Because if I’ve learned anything over the years it’s that you can’t fix ignorance with more ignorance.  Fear and intolerance will beget yet more fear and intolerance.

In early Christian art, Pelicans symbolized charity. If you watch the news these days it certainly seems as though charity is hard to come by. But what kind of a world are we creating without it? Would you want your children living in a world like that? This holiday season, lets all picture a world where everyone lives in peace. We could co-create it together. It could happen. If we believed it could.

Big Dreams Start Small. 

Wishing you and yours a very happy, healthy, and peaceful holiday season.



by Lady Deane

A new moon occurs when the Sun and Moon form a conjunction in the sky, and come together in the same sign of the zodiac. This occurs approximately once per month (about every 28-29 days).

This is a time of new beginnings, and represents a special opportunity each month to begin again and get a fresh perspective on things. The power of the new moon is purely instinctual and people tend to go with their intuition.  At the dark of the new moon there is little light yet for illumination, so people must use senses other than their sight.  Yet this special time holds all possibilities within it, so we have the ability once a month to set a new course for ourselves.  For 2 weeks afterwards the moon will be slowly waxing or increasing in light.  Then, at the full moon, the light is once again bright and things become fully illuminated.  But before we can “see” with our eyes, we have to activate our “sight” in hopes and dreams. Set your intentions at the new moon and then chart your progress at the full moon.

The sign and the degree of each New Moon represents the theme for that 28 day period and signals a time of “resetting” our collective emotional clock.  Although, these themes also play out individually in our personal lives.  If you know your own natal chart, you can make each month’s reading even more personal by seeing where the new moon impacts your individual horoscope. And if you don’t know your chart, guess who would be just delighted to help you with that? 

November 11th, New Moon in Scorpio

19 Degrees Scorpio: “A parrot listening and then talking, repeats a conversation he has overheard.”

Well!  Apparently there will be plenty of juicy gossip going around this month and the water cooler may be a good place to loiter if you need to keep an ear to the ground about something.  But, if you want the real skinny (and who doesn’t), you’re better off going straight to the horse’s mouth, so to speak. Or would that be “the parrot’s beak?” 

But this month is really less about what is said, and more about what it means. Just as parrots will often mimic without truly understanding what it is they are saying, we may want to exercise some caution now in repeating something we’ve heard but don’t yet fully understand.  Things can be taken out of context easily now; or you may have actually “misheard” something or misread a situation.  Take care not to jump to conclusions before you have gained the depth of understanding necessary to make good judgment calls. And if you do happen upon a choice bit of gossip, ask yourself if it’s worth repeating.  Then ask yourself again!

Scorpio is a sign that is often privy to one’s deepest, darkest secrets.  It tends towards a tricky tango with complicated footwork. So, if you don’t want to see your dirty laundry (or someone else’s) aired in public, now would be a good time to make sure that the keeper of your secrets is actually trustworthy.  And for those of you entrusted with secrets or proprietary data yourself, remember that Loose Lips Sink Ships.  Stop tweeting, monkey-mailing, facebooking, etc. the more personal and private things you know about others. They will not appreciate your “share.”  But if you do choose to share with someone, make sure that it is personal, heartfelt, and in-depth.  Because one-to-one, deeply personal conversations can actually go quite well now, and you can help significant others understand you (or you them) on an entirely new level.

And—not for nuthin’—but if you’d like to avoid annoying people this month, try not to repeat yourself. At least not overly. No one enjoys a broken record.  State your case, then give it a rest.

Oh the upside—and yes, OF COURSE I have an upside for you!—Jupiter is sextiling this new moon and trining Pluto; and Mercury is conjunct the new moon.  This means that for those of you who need to teach or educate others this is the perfect month.  Whether you are literally translating things into other languages, or just taking something that is so complicated it reads like it was written in code, and breaking it down so actual humans can understand it, you can successfully COMMUNICATE now and be understood!  And perhaps (if you pay attention) even applauded.  Use your individual knowledge and share that wisdom freely with others now. Because THAT’s what will be appreciated. Overall, this is a great new moon for writing, speaking, teaching and publishing.  So let your inner genius out and keep all the flying monkeys locked up.  At least until the next time the circus comes to town.

See you next month!  : 0 )


The New Moon Ballroom: October, 2015

by Lady Deane

A new moon occurs when the Sun and Moon form a conjunction in the sky, and come together in the same sign of the zodiac. This occurs approximately once per month (about every 28-29 days).

This is a time of new beginnings, and represents a special opportunity each month to begin again and get a fresh perspective on things. The power of the new moon is purely instinctual and people tend to go with their intuition.  At the dark of the new moon there is little light yet for illumination, so people must use senses other than their sight.  Yet this special time holds all possibilities within it, so we have the ability once a month to set a new course for ourselves.  For 2 weeks afterwards the moon will be slowly waxing or increasing in light.  Then, at the full moon, the light is once again bright and things become fully illuminated.  But before we can “see” with our eyes, we have to activate our “sight” in hopes and dreams. Set your intentions at the new moon and then chart your progress at the full moon.

The sign and the degree of each New Moon represents the theme for that 28 day period and signals a time of “resetting” our collective emotional clock.  Although, these themes do also play out individually in our personal lives.  If you know your own natal chart, you can make each month’s reading even more personal by seeing where the new moon impacts your individual horoscope. And if you don’t know your chart, guess who would be just delighted to help you with that?

October 13th, New Moon in Libra

19 Degrees Libra: “A gang of robbers in hiding.”

OK, how creepy is that one?!?!  Although eerily appropriate for Halloween month. Are these robbers in costume, I wonder? Masked little hobgoblins running amuck among us perhaps?  Well, I think this month we’ll all be doing the “Monster Mash” for sure. Or maybe you prefer Michael Jackson’s “Thriller?” Either way, get in costume and join in.

Well my take on this Sabian Symbol is group protest—the good kind hopefully—wherein people of like mind band together to (metaphorically) “rob from the rich and give to the poor” ala Robin hood and his merry band of thieves.  There is a feeling of inequity and class difference in this symbol, which begs to be redressed. Hopefully this will be accomplished peacefully. Because you can’t cure ignorance with more ignorance. Tolerance is what will educate people in the long run.  And love will heal them.

On a higher level, perhaps what you really feel is being “robbed” from you now is time. There is a feeling of gathering the acorns and putting by the last of the harvest. Uranus is opposing the new moon, which adds a certain sense of urgency. As fall gains in strength and the light begins to grow shorter we all become much more aware that we have just so much time in which to get stuff done.  Many people will be feeling a time crunch now—not enough hours in the day—and we’ll all be burning daylight trying to keep up with our (perhaps overbooked?) schedules and to-do lists.

Well, the good news (and yes, of course there is some!) is that Mercury—another little trickster—has finally gone direct. So, many of the computer/phone/email problems that have been holding people back and frustrating their forward motion should begin to clear up now. Give things til the 24th to get back up to speed, and you should slowly but surely notice an improvement.  But I think the most fortunate news this month is that Jupiter is trining Pluto.  Herein lies a brief opportunity (a few months at best) to regenerate the spirit and restore one's faith in the power of healing. To say nothing of the expansion of intuition and the raising of group consciousness. Your willpower is strong now, and you can use that to accomplish more than you thought possible.  So reach for the stars, you may just catch one.

Happy Halloween to all you tricksters (and treaters) out there! See you next month!


Mercury Retrograde: dancing backwards and in heels

by Lady Deane

Sometimes—and I swear this feels true—it seems as if the planets are out to get us.  If you’ve ever looked up to heaven and wrung your hands at the powers that be, imploring: “Why me, God!?!” then you know what I’m talking about.  If you haven’t, then you are leading a charmed life and should put this article down and look up a copy of Cinderella.  Because when it comes to retrograding planets, it can seem like all hell is breaking loose and the sky is falling. Suddenly your dance partner steps on your toes or crushes your (insert your own word here): corsage, ego, heart, dreams, etc, and generally ruins your day.

But, as clumsy as the retrograde dance can seem at first, it really is a dance worth learning.  Because the planets aren’t really out to get us, they’re just trying to teach us better footwork.  Mercury will be the next planet retrograding—from September 17th thru October 8th in the sign of Libra.  Libra is the sign of balance and rules the 7th house of marriage and partnership, so we will all continue to do a tricky 2-step dance with the significant people in our lives now—with both business and personal relationships.

When Mercury retrogrades, we are processing information as well as trying to get our communication systems on board. So, information systems of all kinds tend to be affected, and sometimes we have to “re-think” the way in which we communicate to begin with. For example: we can have computer problems, our messages can be lost, our conversations can be misinterpreted and we can feel generally misunderstood. Should we just become hermits and unplug everything?  No, but simple awareness is a very important skill to have during any retrograde.  So, the first step is to become aware of the real messages underneath all the chatter. And, perhaps the most important conversation to have during the retrograde is the one we have with ourselves.

Many times astrologers warn us not to start something new during retrograde periods.  This is mainly because the retrograde energy supports behind-the-scenes or tie-up-your-loose-ends types of activities. But I find that it’s also helpful to think of Mercury retrograde as a “try it and see” time.  It’s true that you probably shouldn’t launch a brand new business then, but you could research the kind of business you hope to launch one day.  In general I think we should use this time to “sample” what life has to offer.  Think of it like a celestial smorgasbord of sorts.  “I’ll just take a bite of that new dish and see if I like it” or “I think I’ll try this chair in that corner for a week and see if it works out.”  At this time, we shouldn’t get too attached to the outcome of things (or to whatever it is you’re searching for).  We shouldn’t commit just yet. But it is a really good time to have a try-it mindset or a wait-and-see attitude.  If you can manage to stay open to new things but not attached to new things (harder than it seems) you will do well.  Then, when Mercury goes direct, you’ll know what you want (as well as what you don’t want) because you already tried it.  Experimenting and trying things out helps us know what will work for us in the long run.

MERCURIAL THEMES:  flitting about hither and yon, running daily errands, increased paperwork, communication mix-ups and misunderstandings, repairing or replacing electronics, troubleshooting, multi-tasking, researching, tying up loose ends, having a blast from your past, connecting with someone you haven’t seen in awhile, catching up on old times, playing tricks (or delivering treats!).


  • Don't talk over everyone. Others might have important information for you, but you’ll miss it if your gums are constantly flapping.
  • Don’t just talk about yourself. Other people might just know something you don’t. Besides, no one likes a bore.
  • Don’t rush around, that’s when accidents happen.
  • Don’t purchase major electronics just yet (phones, TV’s, DVD players, etc). Although you can research them now.
  • Don’t sign major contracts now (cars, real estate, rental agreements, partnership agreements, etc) unless they are very short term.
  • Don’t marry now (although an engagement or dating period is fine).


  • Do listen more than you talk. This is the time to remember that your ears are more than just holes in your head.
  • Do try to keep your feet on the floor (and out of your mouth). Those wing-ed Mercury boots can be wicked fast!
  • Do think before you speak.
  • Do give yourself extra time to get anywhere (because you’ll need it).
  • Do plan to arrive just a teensy bit early.
  • Do remember to fill up your gas tank!
  • Do repair (or replace) major electronics now.
  • Do research all contracts now (read the fine print, ask questions etc.).
  • Do give another the benefit of the doubt.
  • Do reconnect with someone special from your past.
  • Do try it (just don't buy it).
  • Do be willing to experiment.  Variety is the spice of life. 
  • Do keep an open mind.

Do you have a Mercury Retrograde story to share?   I’d love to hear from you!  Leave a comment.

The New Moon Ballroom: September 2015

A new moon occurs when the Sun and Moon form a conjunction in the sky, and come together in the same sign of the zodiac. This occurs approximately once per month (about every 28-29 days).

This is a time of new beginnings, and represents a special opportunity each month to begin again and get a fresh perspective on things. The power of the new moon is purely instinctual and people tend to go with their intuition.  At the dark of the new moon there is little light yet for illumination, so people must use senses other than their sight.  Yet this special time holds all possibilities within it, so we have the ability once a month to set a new course for ourselves.  For 2 weeks afterwards the moon will be slowly waxing or increasing in light.  Then, at the full moon, the light is once again bright and things become fully illuminated.  But before we can “see” with our eyes, we have to activate our “sight” in hopes and dreams. Set your intentions at the new moon and then chart your progress at the full moon.

The sign and the degree of each New Moon represents the theme for that 28 day period and signals a time of “resetting” our collective emotional clock.  Although, these themes also play out individually in our personal lives.  If you know your own natal chart, you can make each month’s reading even more personal by seeing where the new moon impacts your individual horoscope. And if you don’t know your chart, guess who would be just delighted to help you with that?

It seems that the sky is alive with dancers in September, as there will be 2 eclipses—one a marching band, the other a waltz!  Do you have a dance partner yet?  We start off with the new moon in Virgo on September 13th.

***September 13th, New Moon in Virgo PARTIAL SOLAR ECLIPSE***

20 Degrees Virgo: “A caravan of cars headed for promised lands.”  This new moon is also a partial solar eclipse and will be felt more strongly than a regular new moon, so the Sabian Symbolism has added emphasis this month. In Virgo, the prevailing energies are purging, but this time with an eye towards preparing yourself for a specific destination. When the notes first sound, many of us will be doing the “do I really need this?” shuffle, and dancing our excess stuff right out the door.  But then some of us will take it even further by joining a marching band (read: “you won’t have to travel alone”) and hitting the road.  Some will actually move, some will just “move on” (in whatever capacity that applies), and some will simply prepare themselves for a future move down the road (downsizing?  tiny house nation? your guess is as good as mine at this point).

Don’t forget that part of the symbolism of this pilgrimage is “promised lands” which means that we have the dream of a better tomorrow somewhere in our minds and this eclipse is meant to feed that dream: to prepare us, to help us get our ducks-in-a-row, so that when the time comes we’ll be ready.  Of course, for a selective few, this eclipse will trigger an actual real-life spiritual pilgrimage of some sort.  Sacred travel, anyone?  Because while Virgo is often known for its detail-oriented approach to things, there is a deeper part of Virgo that longs for true purpose.  Virgo, at its most metaphysical, wants nothing more than to be of service; but each individual must find their own particular niche so that the purpose served is useful in the most positive and uplifting sense of that word.  So, while some are looking for their significant other (individual) to travel with, sometimes the Virgo-driven crowd is seeking that special group they can be part of.  Remember, it’s all about the quest to be of true service to a cause.  The cause, then, supersedes the personal partnership needs and the partnership exists only so long as it allows one to serve (and we all circle back around and dosey doe again).

In addition to the new moon eclipse, September also features a full moon eclipse.  This moon also happens to be the Harvest Moon, which is usually one of the brightest and prettiest moons of the year.  Be sure to get a peek at it!  The Harvest Moon is the one that occurs closest to the Autumnal Equinox—signaling the entrance of the Sun into the sign of Libra (the autumnal equinox occurs on September 23rd).

***September 27th, Full Moon in the polarity of Aries/Libra TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE***

4 Degrees Aries/Libra: “”Two lovers are strolling through a secluded walk.”  This full moon is also a total lunar eclipse and will be felt more strongly than a regular full moon, so the Sabian Symbolism has added emphasis this month. OK, so while the new moon is a time of little light, the full moon is a time of maximum illumination.  Things at the full moon are not beginning, they are culminating in some way.  We will be wrapping it up, putting a period on it, tying up loose ends, etc.  In Aries/Libra, what we most want to solidify is partnership.  So we are waltzing, gently (at least at first—the moon is in Aries, after all, and romance does favor the bold), and seeking alone time with that one special person who just “gets” us. Our need for partnering, both in business and in our personal lives, is strong now.  However it is also specific (thanks to the previous new moon in Virgo).  In other words, IF we have found the right partner we’ll want to seal the deal now (engagement, marriage, partnership agreements, sign-on-the-dotted-line time); but not just anyone will do and some of us will decide to remain unattached until the right one comes along. And, if we’re with the wrong person, now it will become painfully obvious and parting will not be sorrowful at all.  Parting will actually be somewhat freeing and will allow us to continue our search for “the one.” 

Happy hunting to one and all this September! And be sure to tune in next month for another New Moon Ballroom.

The New Moon Ballroom: August 2015

by Lady Deane

A New Moon occurs when the Sun and Moon form a conjunction in the sky, and come together in the same sign of the zodiac.  This occurs approximately once per month or every 28 days. 

This is a time of new beginnings, and represents a special opportunity each month to begin again and get a fresh perspective on things. The power of the new moon is purely instinctual and people tend to go with their intuition.  The New Moon is dark, there is little light for illumination, so people must use senses other than their sight.  Yet this special time holds all possibilities within it. So we have the ability once a month to set a new course for ourselves.  For 2 weeks afterwards the moon will be slowly waxing or increasing in light. And at the Full Moon, the light is once again bright and things become fully illuminated.  But before we can “see” with our eyes, we have to activate our “sight” through our hopes and dreams. Set your intentions at the New Moon, and then chart your progress at the Full Moon. 

The August New Moon is in the sign of Leo and occurs on or around August 14th. Leo is the sign of the children, creativity, and being in the spotlight, so an area of life where you can 'begin again' this month would be around creative self-expression.  

In addition to the meaning that the New Moon has in each sign, it also has meaning in each specific degree.  These are called Sabian Symbols.  For many years now I have been working with Sabian Symbols and their possible use as a predictive tool in astrology.  For those of you not familiar with them, they are brief 'psychic vignettes.'  These symbols were first conceived of in 1925 by the spiritualist Elsie Wheeler and the astrologer Marc Edmund Jones. Working together they channeled meanings for every degree of the zodiac (the zodiac is a circle containing 360 degrees).

Each channeled phrase represents an individual psychic image or theme for each degree in all 12 signs. Quite an undertaking. I have previously used them with solar returns and eclipses with amazing results, and have begun using them for the monthly New Moon as well.  In this usage, the Sabian Symbols represent a collective theme that we are all processing as a society or group. And as the New Moon is a time of “resetting” our emotional clock, these themes can also play out individually in our personal lives.  Sometimes you'll notice them as a metaphor operating in the background, and sometimes they can be quite literal and in your face.  If you know your own natal chart, you can make each month’s reading even more personal by seeing where the New Moon impacts your individual horoscope. And if you don’t know your chart, guess who can help you with that?  : 0 )

August 14th, New Moon in Leo

21 Degrees Leo: “Intoxicated chickens dizzily flap their wings trying to fly.”  Oh my goodness! This one feels like a Wild Polka! Hang onto your hats.

And—need I say it???  Don’t drink and drive—or text and drive, or (fill in the blank) and drive…..oh for heaven’s sake, does no one just enjoy the drive anymore?  Are we all multitasking every minute of every day?  If you are, you may want to consider that the dizzy chicken dance will never truly get you off the ground (no, you’re not Spiderman, so knock it off). Because the only real downside of this fiery New Moon is attempting to do it all, and all in one day.  Pace yourself. Enjoy that wonderful feeling of just being alive and fully present in each and every moment.

And for those of you who spent the last few weeks celebrating (or crying over?) the (family?) ties that bind, this Leo New Moon may just be the breath of fresh air you’ve been waiting for. Because for now, you take center stage. Finally, it actually IS all about you! Leo rules where we most want to shine in life, so shine away. And with Venus (think: sociable) joining this New Moon, you’ll want to share what you’re good at.  It’s no fun being on stage without an audience, right? So get out there!  Network, see old friends, make new friends, “hold court” and generally have a good time.  Let no social invitation pass you by.  For some of you, romance may even be in the air. So let your laughter be unrestrained and give your enthusiasm free reign. Enjoyment (not productivity) is the name of the game now.  But do so without escaping into drugs and alcohol. Otherwise you risk becoming a bore to your friends, and no one wants that.

Leo also rules creative self-expression and with Mercury (the mind, communication) trine Pluto (intense transformation) on the New Moon day, you may have some very powerful ideas for developing creatively. But that’s a mixed bag, because Mercury is also opposing Neptune.  This may mean that some of your ideas may need further testing or clarification, once the initial excitement wears off.  Uranus (sudden inspiration) is closely trine the New Moon, so some of your brilliant ideas may be quite spontaneous, unexpected or just plain odd. Eccentricities right, left and center.

Or, you could quite serendipitously meet interesting new people by simply being open and/or in the right place at the right time. If you are unattached, you may just fall head over heels for someone.  And, if there are any children in your life, you may notice that they have a burst of creativity all their own. So help them explore where they can shine, too. Because right now it’s playtime for all of us.

Yup, the New Moon in Leo—it’s like a big old happy dance up in the sky! So dance the night away and enjoy your own personal sunshine.

Last, but not least, Leo rules Courage (think: Leo the Lionhearted), so step with confidence now. Believe in yourself.  It’s a brave new month.

Next month, the September New Moon is also an Eclipse!  So be sure to tune in then for a special edition of the New Moon Ballroom and a quick spin around the Cosmic Dance floor.  Til then—remember to play, smile and be kind.  Then look up and thank your lucky stars.

Venus Retrograde: A To-Do List

by Lady Deane

Venus is retrograding now (July 25th thru September 6th), and this particular Venus goes a bit deeper than usual.  This retrograde journey is complicated by its (usually) beneficial conjunction to Jupiter and its (generally) challenging square to Saturn. The square to Saturn is not always bad, by the way; it can help us get serious about love for instance, and we can become aware of just who we want to commit to (and exactly who we don’t).  And the conjunction to Jupiter is not always a good thing; although it does feel good at the time!  It can make us go a bit overboard (think: spending, love, comfort, etc.).  But that’s where the square to Saturn can help.  Saturn gives us a bit more self-discipline than we would normally have and can save the day.  So, if the 2 work together, we should benefit in the long run (Saturn rules time, so its benefits aren’t always immediately apparent).  In the sort term, we can end up feeling just a tad disillusioned with people, love, projects, our finances and our personal world in general.  But the disillusionment is a wake up call, not a death sentence.  It’s meant to show us what’s not working so we can fix it.

“So,” (you all ask in my head) “does this mean that Venus retrograde will bring us nothing but disappointment?”  Well, wouldn’t that just suck!  So, no, not at all.  But we will be faced with seeing who’s really behind that curtain in OZ—seeing the real faces of the people/things/projects we care about.  And, on a comfort level, Venus retrograde can be very revealing as well.  Short cuts, miracle cures or quick fixes just won’t cut it now.  Because this is where you actually have to do the work. And (spoiler alert), it can take time. Here is a quick summary of what to know about Venus Retrograde…

VENUSIAN THEMES: lost love, past love, relationships, hurts or disappointments, disillusionment—with people, things, or events that are usually gratifying or satisfying and no longer are, finances, value, comfort zones, etiquette.


·      Don’t rush into love. Don’t marry now (dating is ok, though).

·      Don’t take short cuts in love. Get to know people the old fashioned way—slowly, over time.

·      Don’t chase after people.  If you’ve let them know you need to be with them/speak to them etc., then allow them the time they need to come to you.

·      Don’t try to fool people now or pretend you care more than you do just to spare their feelings.  Your feelings matter too, you know.

·      Don’t pretend to be someone you’re not.  People will see right through that.  And that works both ways (you’ll see thru them as well).

·      Don’t put up with lies from people just because you care about them.  If they’ve been faking it, call them on it.

·      Don’t be rude. People may be tempted to let common courtesy go out the window when Venus retrogrades, but honey still catches more flies than vinegar so mind your manners.

·      Don’t complain.  No one likes a whiner.

·      Don’t rely on the “hype” of quick fixes or miracle cures.  Test things/try things out for yourself. 


·      Do reconnect with loved ones.

·      Do reconsider your relationships. Who are your real friends?

·      Do see people for who they really are—and if possible—love them anyway (or let them go).

·      Do work on healing your own heart so that you can love again.

·      Do really listen to what loved ones are saying now (or are trying to say).

·     Do read between the lines (in everything from products to people) and pay attention to facial expressions/hidden meanings.

·      Do refinance now if you need to (but be sure you need to).

·      Do push your comfort zone now, as you may be surprised at how far you can go. Do you normally feel somewhat awkward at parties? Suffer from social anxiety? Venus retrograde may help you to reach out, connect, and expand your skill set. Socialize!  You don’t have to become a hermit just because you need a little alone time.

·      Do learn to live with what you can’t change and weather things with good grace.

·     Do get to know what or who it is you truly value.

·      Do learn to find beauty where it is least expected to be.  Because beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Got a Venus retrograde story you’d like to share?  I’d love to hear from you!  Leave a comment.


Venus Retrograde: A Personal Journey

by Lady Deane

Communicating with any retrograde planet is tricky and so very subtle.  Listening is often more important than talking during these times.  And sometimes what we don’t say is just as important as what we do say.  When Venus retrogrades, for example, what we are most likely to communicate about has to do with the three main things that Venus rules over….love, money, and comfort.

Let’s take love first.  After all, it’s the most important thing and Venus as Aphrodite is the embodiment of love.  Remember that all planetary retrogrades basically represent a need to go within, to slow down and to be more introspective regarding those specific themes represented by whichever planet happens to be doing the retrograde dance at the time.  And all retrograde planets resonate with 're' words.  In the case of Venus, for instance, we might 're-connect' with loved ones.  Think family 'reunions' or old friends you haven’t seen for awhile suddenly popping by for a lovely afternoon.  Would you consider 'reminiscence' a 're' word?  I would.  Talking over old times with friends from your past.  Or remembering past loves.  Reconsidering a new beau is also a Venusian theme (but don’t marry him until Venus goes direct!).

In addition to love, Venus rules over your finances due to its natural rulership over Taurus and the 2nd house of the horoscope.  Retirement (a re word itself) plans might need to be updated and we may also 're-evaluate' future needs.  For some it may mean looking to 're-finance' a mortgage. Or, perhaps you need to 're-negotiate' your salary or your position at work.  Some of us need to fall in love with our careers again, or to feel needed and still relevant.  And still more of us probably need to be kinder to ourselves today (especially in the current economy).  Venus hates a miser.  And please note that 'careful spender' does not equal miser.  Venus is fine with a budget as long as you budget something for fun.  When was the last time you enjoyed yourself?  How long since you had your hair done or bought a new outfit?  Do you spend at all on self-care?  If it’s been awhile then it’s time to reconsider.  Show yourself the love and appreciation you would show a family member or a friend. 

Last, but certainly not least, Venus retrogrades are also notorious for lacking comfort wherever we happen to need it most.  For many of us this is either at home or at work, since this is generally where we would spend the bulk of our time.  Air conditioners break down in summer (heaters in winter), interiors look somewhat dingy-er to us, our offices may be relocated to less desirable places, and our favorite old comfy chair might need to be repaired (or someone might try to 'replace' it while you’re not looking!).  The point is that whatever we usually look to in order to feel physically or emotionally comfortable can be in flux during the retrograde.  And the transition period or interim is often decidedly un-comfortable while we get used to the changes.  Venus is not trying to make you uncomfortable in her retrograde state.  She’s just trying to call attention to those well worn areas of life that might need to be refurbished a bit. 

And speaking of refurbishing, whoever said 'one man’s trash is another man’s treasure' was most likely under the effects of a Venus retrograde.  I experienced this personally during one Venus cycle. My own natal Venus is in the 8th house of my chart and that particular Venus retrograde had been backing up over my natal Venus.  If you know your own natal chart, this can be of great help in determining whether or not the retrograde will produce important revelations (another 're' word) in your life.  If it impacts a natal planet at all you will notice it more than if it doesn’t. And if you don’t know your own chart guess who would just be delighted to discuss it with you?  : 0 )

In my case, it all started fairly innocently.  I had to 're-locate.'  The family house (an 8th house theme) sold and my daughter and son-in-law invited me to stay with them temporarily.  I thought I would need about a year to complete my own plans so that was my timeframe.  They had decided that they would move east in a year, so it worked out well for everyone. Easy Peasy.  Nice-and-neat-and-tidy.  Only it wasn’t.  You try fitting your entire house into one tiny guest room in a condo.  Naturally I had a storage unit for the “overflow” except that almost all of it wound up being overflow.  Where do I start?  Picture trying to fit a queen sized bed into a closet (3 lbs of sausage in a 2 lb sack).  I’m a quilter and own 4 sewing machines (shut up, 3 of them absolutely do work).  And did I mention that I’m claustrophobic?  Uncomfortable was a bit of an understatement in those first few days.

Naturally, my daughter and son-in-law were wonderful during this difficult transition.  Their own bedroom was the master suite and quite a bit larger, which they very generously offered to me.  But I saw no reason for us all to be at sixes and sevens (do people still say this?).  And I reasoned that the whole situation was temporary anyway and that everything would work itself out in the end.  That is, until the 'chair incident.'

Now, granted, my chair was not expensive nor was it new.  I believe I picked it up for less than $20 somewhere along my travels some 20-odd years ago.  It was one of those outdoor chairs that can handle the weather. It was a light leaf green color with a muted leaf pattern running through it.  And it had traveled well (and often).  At one point I left it at my parent’s house for a few years.  So it wasn’t new and, OK, it had definitely seen better days.  Sure, it had a few battle scars but it was still in usable condition and was quite comfortable.  Of course, absolutely none of this was why I loved it.  At some point, while moving in with my daughter, I had placed my chair on their balcony, right smack in the middle of their bright and shiny (and certainly more expensive) new ones.

A few days later, we were getting ready to go tackle some errands in town.  The morning had been hectic and full of chores and things.  My daughter and I were both still tired and a bit cranky from the move but stuff needed to 'just get done' as they say (and let me just say that most of them what says it are considerably younger than me).  I had just started the car and was pulling out, when I looked up and noticed my chair on her balcony.  The sight of it always made me smile.  My daughter saw it and smiled too (for a completely different reason apparently) and said: “Wow!  Your chair looks even uglier from here…it looks like something the cat threw up.  Why don’t you give it a decent burial and just throw it out? We could stop by the dump on the way to the grocery store.”

Of course that’s not what she really said.  What she really said was quite innocent, and (I found out later), was supposed to have been a joke.  And perhaps I would have even laughed at it had I a) actually heard it without the Venus retrograde filter; and b) not been so completely stressed out and overwhelmed by the recent changes.  What she really said was that it looked like some thrift store bandits had sneaked in and replaced her patio furniture overnight.  It was a joke.  But it’s what I heard that counted.   And I didn’t hear a joke.  All I heard was someone attacking my favorite chair.  So all I saw was red.  I mean, I think at one point steam was literally coming out of my ears.  Needless to say, this was quite a surprise for my daughter.

What my daughter didn’t know (couldn’t know, because in fact I had never told her) was that in the last few years of his life my father sat in that chair every day.  During one of my many sojourns home I actually spent a few years living with him and he took a liking to my chair. So when I moved out I left it behind for him.  Even when he wasn’t particularly well, he enjoyed getting a bit of fresh air and I remember him dragging that chair outside under his favorite old shade tree in the front yard to just sit. To be still.  To contemplate (the perfect picture of a retrograde in ‘action’). My father was seldom contented, but for those few hours he was.  Every afternoon he would be there.  And every time I saw that chair I could picture him, sitting there surveying the neighborhood, like a lion overlooking his pride.  And, mind you, when I say he sat there what I really mean is that he ‘held court’ with the neighborhood (and yes, for those student astrologers among you, my father was a Leo).

The neighbors got used to his routine and would choose that time to stop by and have a chat with him.  Often they also brought him things…a glass of lemonade, a new cookie recipe or a casserole they wanted him to sample (and of course he would graciously oblige them); or sometimes just to chat.  They would ask his advice with a car problem for instance. He was scary good with cars and it was well known that he could keep one running for 20 years or more. It was the way he networked and socialized and it worked quite well for him.  How many of us these days know all of our neighbors?  Unlike me, my father lived in the same house for more than 50 years so he knew the locals quite well, and they knew him.  His neighbors and he talked about sports teams and the latest tools and gadgets and their families.  They weathered good times and bad together.  The world passed by and stopped, just for a bit, all while he sat in that chair.

But again, none of that was why I loved that chair. The thing of it is, I feel like if I have that chair with me, then my dad’s not really gone.  And that does more for me than any photo of him ever could.  But unfortunately for my daughter she knew none of this when she told her little “joke” (ha-ha).

Astrologers will often link Venus with money (due to the second house/Taurus rulership). This is fairly commonplace.  And it’s correct.  But perhaps the one thing we don’t often think enough about with Venus is value.  What has value to us, what we truly desire, is very individual, very personal, and thus it’s a very Venusian concept.  In the end, it would seem that Venus retrograde is about examining not only what we place value on, but why we value it in the first place.  Objects, much like photographs (and sometimes more so than photographs), often hold our memories—some precious, some not—but what we need to notice is that the only real value any of them have at all is the value we place upon them.  And, not for nuthin’ (as they say in my hometown), but you don’t always know what another person actually values, or what ‘trash’ might just be hidden treasure to them.  So fair warning: tread carefully during the retrogrades.  Especially with Venus.  Because that tarnished old “whatnot” might just be important to someone near and dear to you.

One day I hope to have a home of my own.  I dream of it, though I’m not sure just yet what it will look like…if it will be large or small, modern or vintage, city or country.  Naturally, having Libra rising in my natal chart (which means, that Venus is my chart ruler), I do hope I don’t end up in a dilapidated trailer park somewhere. Venus does, after all, rule elegance and good taste.  But the one thing I do know is, that wherever I end up, there will always be a place for my dad’s old chair.  Hopefully, this will be somewhere out in the yard under a nice big shade tree.  Watching the world go by.

As I sit here contemplating, I realize I owe a debt of thanks to Venus.  Each new Cosmic Dance with her has provided me with yet another important lesson. Another important passage.  And the next Venus Retrograde adventure begins soon—July 25th thru September 5th.  Wonder what that one will bring?

For now, though, I think I’ll go have a heart to heart chat with my daughter… about her grandfather and a well-worn, old chair (thrift store bandits beware...I'll fight you for it!) that absolutely means the world to me.  Elegance be damned.

How about you?  Do you have an astrology story to tell?  I’d love to hear how Venus retrograde has impacted your life.  Share a comment!

The New Moon Ballroom: July 2015

by Lady Deane

A New Moon occurs when the Sun and Moon form a conjunction in the sky, and come together in the same sign of the zodiac.  This occurs approximately once per month or every 28 days.

This is a time of new beginnings, and represents a special opportunity each month to begin again and get a fresh perspective on things. The power of the new moon is purely instinctual and people tend to go with their intuition.  The New Moon is dark, there is little light for illumination, so people must use senses other than their sight.  Yet this special time holds all possibilities within it. So we have the ability once a month to set a new course for ourselves.  For 2 weeks afterwards the moon will be slowly waxing or increasing in light. And at the Full Moon, the light is once again bright and things become fully illuminated.  But before we can “see” with our eyes, we have to activate our “sight” through our hopes and dreams. Set your intentions at the New Moon, and then chart your progress at the Full Moon.

The July New Moon is in the sign of Cancer and occurs on or around July 15th.  Cancer is the sign of the family so an area of life where you can 'begin again' would be around family.  Who is family to you?  Many of us may get a chance to either begin again within our family structure or, we may get to redefine who family is altogether (starting from scratch). For those processing issues from childhood, this is a very good time for intuitive awareness and spiritual awakening.  Besides family, Cancer also rules nurturing.  This can mean issues around mothers and motherhood, but it can also literally refer to food.  So another good area to 'begin again' involves figuring out exactly what your body needs and how to best nurture yourself. We are literally processing what “feeds” us now—body and spirit alike.

In addition to the meaning that the New Moon has in each sign, it also has meaning in each specific degree.  These are called Sabian Symbols.  For many years now I have been working with Sabian Symbols and their possible use as a predictive tool in astrology.  For those of you not familiar with them, they are brief 'psychic vignettes.'  These symbols were first conceived of in 1925 by the spiritualist Elsie Wheeler and the astrologer Marc Edmund Jones. Working together they channeled meanings for every degree of the zodiac (the zodiac is a circle containing 360 degrees).

Each channeled phrase represents an individual psychic image or theme for each degree in all 12 signs. Quite an undertaking. I have previously used them with solar returns and eclipses with amazing results, and have begun using them for the monthly New Moon as well.  In this usage, the Sabian Symbols represent a collective theme that we are all processing as a society or group. And as the New Moon is a time of “resetting” our emotional clock, these themes can also play out individually in our personal lives.  Sometimes you'll notice them as a metaphor operating in the background, and sometimes they can be quite literal and in your face.  If you know your own natal chart, you can make each month’s reading even more personal by seeing where the New Moon impacts your individual horoscope. And if you don’t know your chart, guess who can help you with that?  : 0 )

July 15th, New Moon in Cancer

The Sabian Symbol for 23 Degrees Cancer: “The meeting of a study group or literary society.”

Like a Square Dance or a Conga Line, this new moon is a dance done together.  People will be seeking connection now, and we will want to get together and share ideas. But not just any ideas.  Groups form on the basis of a shared interest, belief system, or purpose.  What group do you belong to?  The entire sign of Cancer is about the tribe we hail from, our childhood, our past, our ancestors, our bloodline.  Stuff we don’t get to change (at least not in this lifetime). But in this degree of Cancer we seek out our 'peeps.'  The ones we choose based on compatibility and not blood.  These are the groups we have chosen to join in order to fulfill a purpose of some kind.  But remember, you selected them, and you are the company you keep!  So if you’re not in good company, now’s the time to (carefully) change partners and select a new group.  Either way, expect group discussion to suddenly morph into intense therapy sessions (as the Square Dance suddenly becomes a Tango!), exploring what’s really lurking beneath the surface. The added drama is all courtesy of Pluto; because during this New Moon, Pluto will be opposing Mercury and Mars. So if you do have group meetings to attend, be prepared to dig deep for meaningful conversation (there may even be a few fireworks). Because polite chit-chat just won’t cut it now.

Tune in next month for another New Moon Ballroom and a quick spin around the Cosmic Dance floor.  Til then, remember: play, smile, be kind.  Then look up and thank your lucky stars!

The Astrology of Parenting: What Our Children Need

by Lady Deane

As parents, we all want to do the very best job that we possibly can when it comes to parenting our children.  I mean, no one has a child and then thinks to him or herself: “Gee, I wonder how I can mess this kid up.”  But children do not come with operating manuals (wouldn’t that be awesome?!), and although parenting is probably the toughest job many of us will have, no one really prepares us for it.  I think the real problem is that while there are some basic rules for consistent parenting (feed and water them, keep them alive and out of trouble until they can rent their own apartments, etc.), the real problem is that no two kids are alike and they all need different things.  If you doubt this, just ask your siblings what they thought of their own childhoods.  Even though you were both raised by the same exact people, I’d be willing to bet you had extremely different childhoods.  That is because every child is unique and has his or her own separate and distinct experience of their parents (who, let’s not forget, are also unique individuals). So what’s a parent to do?

As an astrologer with over 33 years experience counseling parents and their children through their natal charts, I believe that astrology can provide some guidance.  Every child born is born into one of twelve specific signs of the zodiac.  Here I have grouped these signs into their four basic elements, because each element offers a clue to your child’s true nature.  None of our children can change their basic natures.  And if we expect them to, we are just setting ourselves (and them) up for failure.  But by educating ourselves as parents and honoring what our children will need on a very fundamental level, we can help them grow and flourish.  Now granted, these descriptions are generalizations, and knowing your child’s entire natal chart (as opposed to a single factor like which element their sun sign happens to fall into) will go even further in helping you understand what they need.  But you have to begin somewhere, and this is an excellent place to start.  Use the following chart to identify which element your child’s sign belongs to, and then read the description of that element to understand their basic nature.

Zodiac Sign                  Date of Birth                                  Element

Aries                     born March 21--April 19                              Fire

Taurus                   born April 20--May 20                               Earth

Gemini                  born May 21--June 20                                Air

Cancer                   born June 21--July 22                               Water

Leo                         born July 23--August 22                           Fire

Virgo                      born August 23--September 22               Earth

Libra                      born September 23--October 22               Air

Scorpio                  born October 23--November 21                Water

Sagittarius              born November 22--December 21             Fire

Capricorn               born December 22--January 19                 Earth

Aquarius                 born January 20--February 18                   Air

Pisces                     born February 19--March 20                      Water

F I R E   S I G N S

Fire children are born into the signs of Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius.  All fire signs will “act like fire” to some extent.  Think of the nature of fire.  Some fires burn hot and spread quickly, while others smolder and simmer.  But they all glow…some red, some white hot—yet all fire burns.  And without fire, and the light of our own Sun, there would be no life on Earth.  Fire gives us warmth and allows us to cook our food and burn fuel to operate our cars.  We use this element every single day.  Children born into fire signs are some of the most energetic and playful children of all.  Vibrant and full of life, your fire child is on the move right from the start.  They like to “go, go, go!”  These are the children who appear spontaneous—they fear nothing—and they need to experience life first-hand.

When parenting your fire child, don’t tell them about things, show them.  In other words, if they are studying dinosaurs in school, don’t buy them a dinosaur book.  Take them to the museum where they can experience dinosaurs for themselves.  Because for fire sign children, it’s always going to be their own personal experiences in life that will teach them the most.

Want your fire sign’s undivided attention?  Talk about them.  Their talents, their interests, their future goals and dreams.  One of the reasons for being born a fire sign to begin with is to learn how to develop and appreciate the self.  So they are often their own favorite topic.  Use their naturally dramatic nature to their benefit.  Get them involved in school plays and the like, to provide them with a creative outlet for self expression.  Some will excel at sports and it will teach them teamwork and allow them to use some of their excess energy productively.

The most effective strategy for disciplining a rambunctious fire sign child is to temporarily ignore them completely.  They love the spotlight and need your attention in order to be able to “shine” the way they were meant to.  Following is a list of natural gifts and natural challenges for fire sign children.  Use this list to enhance natural abilities and to help them overcome the challenges.

FIRE SIGN GIFTS: friendly and outgoing, generous, leaders not followers, seeing the big picture, having a vision for the future, high energy, physically active, enthusiasm, spontaneity, courage, initiative, outdoorsy, sometimes leadership or acting/performing talents

FIRE SIGN CHALLENGES: a lack of patience, not thinking things all the way through, missing the details, not being able to compromise, “my way or the highway” mentality, a “me-first” approach to life, difficulty sharing, developing self control, drama queens (and kings)

E A R T H   S I G N S

Earth children are born into the signs of Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn. All earth signs will “act like earth” to some extent.  Ponder the weighty nature of earth.  It is our foundation, what we stand upon.  Usually solid and stable; yet at the same time changing and renewing itself deep in its core through liquid magma.  Without the earth we have no home, no place to hang our hats or rest our heads.  Without the dirt to grow food in we have no sustenance.  Children born to earth signs are “planted” --  like their feet have roots.  More than any other element perhaps, these kids need a stable and predictable place to grow up in.

When parenting your earth sign child, provide routines they can count on. It will make them feel grounded.  And give them lots of warning or “prep” time before switching gears.  Earth sign children can seem older than they really are.  Because they are naturally responsible we, as parents, need to remind ourselves that they are still children and still do need the guidance all children need.  One of the reasons for being born an earth sign to begin with is to learn how to develop stability.  Your earth child wants to serve and to build something of lasting value in life.  And you can count on your earth sign child to stand and deliver.  But actually moving them might be a problem!  Earth signs have some of the most fixed energy of the zodiac.  Also, your earth child may seem somewhat more somber or serious than other signs, but don’t let that fool you.  They really do have a sense of humor.  However, their delivery may be so “deadpan” that only those who know them well will know when they’re joking!

Want your earth sign’s undivided attention?  Talk about their things.  All earth signs are acquisitive to some degree and they need to acquire things.  Talk to them about what they most want and why.  Usually it’s something that makes them feel safe or secure in some way.  Or talk about what they hope to achieve one day.  The hardest thing to get an earth sign child to do is to switch gears.  These are not generally spontaneous children.  And, once made up, it can take an act of Congress to persuade them to change their minds.

The most effective strategy for disciplining a stubborn earth sign child is to temporarily take away some of their possessions. Although, to be sure, these are usually the children who least need discipline.  They love routines they can count on, and they actually want order in their lives.  Rules and regulations are mother’s milk to them and help them make sense of their world.  As long as they understand what the rules actually are (they need details), they are almost self-governing.  But be aware that earth sign children will notice any hypocrisy in the adults in their world.  Don’t try to hold them accountable to rules that you yourself don’t follow.  With the earth sign child you cannot say “do as I say, not as I do.”  If you try, they will lose faith in you.  With them you must teach by example and rest assured they will notice all you do!  Following is a list of natural gifts and natural challenges for earth sign children.  Use this list to enhance natural abilities and to help them overcome the challenges.

EARTH SIGN GIFTS: stick-to-it-iveness, practical, determined, solid, stable, responsible, straightforward, follow the rules, achievement-oriented, detail-oriented, sometimes organizational skill or managerial talents

EARTH SIGN CHALLENGES: stubbornness, getting “stuck in the mud,” sure they are always right (because they secretly fear that one day they might be wrong!), missing the forest for the trees, fretting, worrying, looking on the dark side of everything

A I R   S I G N S

Air children are born into the signs of Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius. All air signs will “act like air” to some extent.  What is the nature of air?  It is constantly moving, sometimes gentle like a summer’s breeze, sometimes deadly like a tornado.  Without air in our lungs we would all soon expire. Air is everywhere and is necessary every minute of every day.  It feeds life-giving oxygen to all the cells in our body.  Children born to air signs are some of the most interesting and original people you’ll ever meet.  With their minds always engaged they are completely at ease communicating with people from all walks of life.

When parenting your air sign child, be prepared to answer endless questions and when you want them to do something give them lots of choices. They need to understand not only what you need them to do but why you need them to do it.  Remember, their primary process is intellectual and they are always thinking.  One of the reasons for being born an air sign to begin with is to learn how to communicate effectively with others.  Get them involved in school clubs (book clubs, debate clubs, the school paper or yearbook).  Any activities that highlight their individual interests and where they can socialize to their heart's content will work.  And make sure they have lots to read to keep their busy minds occupied.

Want your air sign’s undivided attention?  Ask them what they think (about whatever topic you or they wish to discuss).  Get their opinions.  Once you get their intellectual juices flowing, the problem won’t be getting them to talk, it will be getting them to stop!  Or, perhaps more to the point, getting them to actually stop talking long enough to listen to you.

The most effective strategy for disciplining an argumentative air sign is to temporarily cut them off from others.  Air signs need to communicate and sending them (alone) to time out to think things over is often all that is needed.  Of course, if you are the proud parents of twin air signs, you’ll have to make sure to send them to separate corners or they will find a way to communicate with one another!  Following is a list of natural gifts and natural challenges for air sign children.  Use this list to enhance natural abilities and to help them overcome the challenges.

AIR SIGN GIFTS: sociable, talkative, conversant, original, diverse, jack of all trades, interesting, intellectual, mentally engaging, witty, quick thinking, full of ideas, able to multi-task, sometimes technical talents, or writing and speaking talents

AIR SIGN CHALLENGES: to listen as well as they talk, easily distracted, preoccupied, a “head-in-the-clouds” demeanor, nervous energy, argumentative

W A T E R   S I G N S

Water children are born into the signs of Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces. All water signs will “act like water” to some extent.  We are quite literally made of water.  Our bodies are 98 percent water and without it we would desiccate like the desert.  And water has a very changeable nature.  Lake water is calm, while ocean water is constantly rolling and moving.  And even when water appears calm, it can be bubbling and churning deep beneath its surface.  Like the waxing and waning of the Moon, your water sign’s moods will change and move in and out with the tide.  They are ruled by their feelings and some days it will be hard to keep up with them!  Children born to water signs are some of the most intuitive, sensitive, and psychic people you’ll ever meet.

When parenting your water sign child, remember how very sensitive they are.  Often moody and insecure, they need tangible and ongoing proof of your love.  Of course all kids need affection, but these are the kids that really need actual hugs every day. One of the reasons for being born a water sign to begin with is to learn how to express their emotions.  Get them involved in music lessons or art classes.  Take them to movies that engage the imagination.

Want your water sign’s undivided attention?  Care about their feelings and also share with them how you feel. For negative feelings, just being able to express how they feel about something seems to take the weight off their shoulders—even when those feelings can’t change the actual situation for them, it still helps them to get the feelings out of their physical bodies by talking about them.  And for positive feelings, it’s just healthy for them to be able to share.  Remember, they are ultimately motivated by how they feel about any given situation.  They follow their “gut” instincts, not their heads.  Reasoning with them will do no good if you don’t first acknowledge and understand how they feel.

The most effective strategy for disciplining a moody water sign is to talk to them about how what they did made you (or others) feel.  Once they can identify with the feelings involved in any wrongdoing, they usually don’t repeat it.  Of all the signs, this one is most sensitive to name-calling, yelling, or feeling that others are poking fun (even well-intentioned ribbing is sometimes too much).  Their sensitive natures often can’t handle it.  If they become emotionally overwhelmed they will withdraw into themselves until they feel it’s safe to come out again.  When their moods take them over, oftentimes all you need do is wait it out.  Give them time alone and then let them know you understand them.  Soon enough the clouds will clear and the Sun will come out again.  Following is a list of natural gifts and natural challenges for water sign children.  Use this list to enhance natural abilities and to help them overcome the challenges. 

WATER SIGN GIFTS: empathetic, compassionate, understanding, thoughtful, kind, gentle, home-loving, nurturing, intuitive, psychic, deep, intense, dreamy, imaginative, sometimes musical, artistic, or psychic talents

WATER SIGN CHALLENGES: emotionally needy, moody, clings, cries easily, overly sensitive, “can’t take a joke”, fearful

Now, having given you some specific tools for each sign, let’s also never forget that there are some very important things that every child needs.  All children, in one way or another, will live what they are taught.  Love, kindness, compassion, and tolerance are needed by children of every sign.  Sensible boundaries set in a loving manner will work wonders for all signs.  And let’s not forget the ultimate goal of parenthood in the first place: to raise responsible, loving adults—some of whom will even leave home one day, marry, and raise children of their own.  Then you get to sit back, smile to yourself, and watch the “cosmic dance” unfold all over again!  Aren’t grandparents wonderful though?

 Along the way, remember: it’s only a dance.  We all benefit from learning a few new steps every now and again.  One day (all too soon) your children will be grown and your job will be done.  But until then parents, just look up and thank your lucky stars!