A new moon occurs when the Sun and Moon form a conjunction in the sky, and come together in the same sign of the zodiac. This occurs approximately once per month (about every 28-29 days).
This is a time of new beginnings, and represents a special opportunity each month to begin again and get a fresh perspective on things. The power of the new moon is purely instinctual and people tend to go with their intuition. At the dark of the new moon there is little light yet for illumination, so people must use senses other than their sight. Yet this special time holds all possibilities within it, so we have the ability once a month to set a new course for ourselves. For 2 weeks afterwards the moon will be slowly waxing or increasing in light. Then, at the full moon, the light is once again bright and things become fully illuminated. But before we can “see” with our eyes, we have to activate our “sight” in hopes and dreams. Set your intentions at the new moon and then chart your progress at the full moon.
The sign and the degree of each New Moon represents the theme for that 28 day period and signals a time of “resetting” our collective emotional clock. Although, these themes also play out individually in our personal lives. If you know your own natal chart, you can make each month’s reading even more personal by seeing where the new moon impacts your individual horoscope. And if you don’t know your chart, guess who would be just delighted to help you with that?
It seems that the sky is alive with dancers in September, as there will be 2 eclipses—one a marching band, the other a waltz! Do you have a dance partner yet? We start off with the new moon in Virgo on September 13th.
***September 13th, New Moon in Virgo PARTIAL SOLAR ECLIPSE***
20 Degrees Virgo: “A caravan of cars headed for promised lands.” This new moon is also a partial solar eclipse and will be felt more strongly than a regular new moon, so the Sabian Symbolism has added emphasis this month. In Virgo, the prevailing energies are purging, but this time with an eye towards preparing yourself for a specific destination. When the notes first sound, many of us will be doing the “do I really need this?” shuffle, and dancing our excess stuff right out the door. But then some of us will take it even further by joining a marching band (read: “you won’t have to travel alone”) and hitting the road. Some will actually move, some will just “move on” (in whatever capacity that applies), and some will simply prepare themselves for a future move down the road (downsizing? tiny house nation? your guess is as good as mine at this point).
Don’t forget that part of the symbolism of this pilgrimage is “promised lands” which means that we have the dream of a better tomorrow somewhere in our minds and this eclipse is meant to feed that dream: to prepare us, to help us get our ducks-in-a-row, so that when the time comes we’ll be ready. Of course, for a selective few, this eclipse will trigger an actual real-life spiritual pilgrimage of some sort. Sacred travel, anyone? Because while Virgo is often known for its detail-oriented approach to things, there is a deeper part of Virgo that longs for true purpose. Virgo, at its most metaphysical, wants nothing more than to be of service; but each individual must find their own particular niche so that the purpose served is useful in the most positive and uplifting sense of that word. So, while some are looking for their significant other (individual) to travel with, sometimes the Virgo-driven crowd is seeking that special group they can be part of. Remember, it’s all about the quest to be of true service to a cause. The cause, then, supersedes the personal partnership needs and the partnership exists only so long as it allows one to serve (and we all circle back around and dosey doe again).
In addition to the new moon eclipse, September also features a full moon eclipse. This moon also happens to be the Harvest Moon, which is usually one of the brightest and prettiest moons of the year. Be sure to get a peek at it! The Harvest Moon is the one that occurs closest to the Autumnal Equinox—signaling the entrance of the Sun into the sign of Libra (the autumnal equinox occurs on September 23rd).
***September 27th, Full Moon in the polarity of Aries/Libra TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE***
4 Degrees Aries/Libra: “”Two lovers are strolling through a secluded walk.” This full moon is also a total lunar eclipse and will be felt more strongly than a regular full moon, so the Sabian Symbolism has added emphasis this month. OK, so while the new moon is a time of little light, the full moon is a time of maximum illumination. Things at the full moon are not beginning, they are culminating in some way. We will be wrapping it up, putting a period on it, tying up loose ends, etc. In Aries/Libra, what we most want to solidify is partnership. So we are waltzing, gently (at least at first—the moon is in Aries, after all, and romance does favor the bold), and seeking alone time with that one special person who just “gets” us. Our need for partnering, both in business and in our personal lives, is strong now. However it is also specific (thanks to the previous new moon in Virgo). In other words, IF we have found the right partner we’ll want to seal the deal now (engagement, marriage, partnership agreements, sign-on-the-dotted-line time); but not just anyone will do and some of us will decide to remain unattached until the right one comes along. And, if we’re with the wrong person, now it will become painfully obvious and parting will not be sorrowful at all. Parting will actually be somewhat freeing and will allow us to continue our search for “the one.”
Happy hunting to one and all this September! And be sure to tune in next month for another New Moon Ballroom.