Deane takes the complexity of your Natal or Solar chart and with wit and expertise smoothly decodes and explains your unique blueprint to you. A reading with her can be equated to sitting down having a cup of tea and a conversation with your best friend. She creates an environment of education and empowerment so personalized that you would swear she has grown up with you. Accurate and creative, she provides information for you to better understand yourself and how you interact with your environment. And even when the information you receive is uncomfortable or challenging, Deane finds a way to get you the necessary facts with such profound compassion. She has my utmost respect for fully informing me of the “good, the bad, the ugly” and the “what is possible” every time I have a reading with her. Every year after my Solar Return reading I make a checklist of all she talked about, and, like a grocery list I can check them off as the year progresses.
Incredibly knowledgeable on many levels, Deane has the unique ability to connect with her clients while she weaves clever stories of Astrological information into witty relevant examples that help you to deeply understand planetary energies: both how they affect you and how you might ride their wave onto the shore. Her integrity, expertise and obvious joy in Astrology won me over the first time she read my natal chart. She has been my Astrologer of choice for the past 20 years. I look forward to my annual Solar Return reading every year. Your Reading will be chock full of planetary goodness – do yourself a huge favor and call this woman NOW.
--Jennie in ME