Read more"Is there anything I can do to prepare for a reading?"
Do not call me while you are helmet diving in Bermuda. I will not read for you under water (though if you have a sailboat we can talk).
Read more"Can Deane bring my Great Aunt Judy through during the reading?"
Think of me like a phone line (and it’s a one-way call).
Read more"What is a Psychic/Mediumship Reading with Deane like?"
…after I deliver these messages, you may ask questions, which I will do my best to answer.
Read more"What should I know before my Psychic/Mediumship Reading?"
Well, first of all, I’m not the “Long Island Medium” (nor am I a blond),
Read more"Which type of reading would you recommend for me?"
OR if you just don’t know what on earth you should ask, then perhaps a Psychic/Mediumship Reading would be more helpful.
Read more"What’s the difference between a Psychic and a Medium?"
“All Mediums are somewhat psychic, but not all Psychics are Mediums.”
Read more"What is the difference between an Astrology Reading and a Psychic/Mediumship Reading?"
An Astrology Reading can tell you where you are in TIME. A Card Reading can be very valuable in identifying what you most need to know RIGHT NOW.
Read more"Who is Deane?"
As both a Psychic and a Medium I function something like a glorified phone line. I deliver the messages…
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